Freelance Writing Jobs was purchased by Splashpress Media from Deb Ng, who spent five years developing one of the leading websites for freelance writers to learn, grow, and discuss issues, questions, and more.
Author and marketing professional Susan Gunelius then served as editor of Freelance Writing Jobs, backed by a team of highly experienced writers from around the world. Whether you’re a seasoned writer or a beginner, the information you need to be a successful writer is at your fingertips here at Freelance Writing Jobs!
The Team

Noemi Twigg
Noemi Twigg used to be an English teacher by day and a geek by night. Now, she writes full-time and calls her bed her office. She loves gadgets to death and spends a lot of her time reading up on new things that she could add to her collection. Aside from working with words practically 24/7, she fancies herself a serial traveler and is a self-proclaimed wannabe beach bum. Give her an Internet connection, and she’ll hit the road to work wherever the wind takes her.
Noemi’s words of wisdom: Do not say a little in many words but a great deal in a few.

Jodee Redmond
Freelance Writing Jobs Writer
Jodee Redmond is a full-time freelance writer who has been working from her home office for over a decade. Now that she has figured out how to turn her love of words into a career, she is wondering what took her so long to figure out what she wanted to be when she grew up. Jodee truly enjoys her work, and the best part is that she never stops learning. When Jodee isn’t working, she enjoys reading, watching movies and spending time with her family.
Jodee’s words of wisdom: Being a good writer is 3% talent, 97% not being distracted by the Internet.

Amanda DiSilvestro
Amanda DiSilvestro is a recent graduate of Illinois State University. Although she graduated with an English Education degree, she has always had a passion for journalism. She quickly graduated, packed up her stuff, and drove from Chicago to San Diego in pursuit of her journalism dreams and the California sun. Now that the snow is not keeping her inside, she enjoys hiking, going to the beach, and watching her favorite TV show, The Office.
Amanda’s words of wisdom: If you want something bad enough, go out and make it happen.