March 2010
- All the Bookkeeping a Freelancer Needs in One Little Web App
A guest blog post by Jennifer Escalona When I landed my first…
10 Habits of Successful Freelance Writers
For most of the Freelance Writing Jobs community, it’s not enough to…
Looking in the Mirror: Reading Your Published Articles
I’d been thinking about writing this post for next week, but today…
Technical Writing–Seven Challenges
Freelance technical writing is a great opportunity, but from time to time…
Why I Don't Answer Ads for "Rewriters"
I know there’s a ton of controversy going on in the freelance…
Stephen King on Writing and More
A sampling of writing advice from Stephen King. Why not learn from…
Rethinking Your Freelance Writing Job Strategy
So you’ve been searching for freelance writing jobs for several months or…
How Do You Support Your Favorite Bloggers?
During our last night at SXSW, my good friends Andy Hayes, Chris…
Jack Crabb and Revisiting the Freelance Writing Great Divide
After reading Deb Ng’s “Freelance Writing: The Great Divide” yesterday, I decided…