How Do I Market My Freelance Writing Business?

If you’ve got a flair for writing and enjoy creating stimulating and informative articles, then you’re probably ready to start your own freelance writing business.

But, being good at writing isn’t enough. It’s a very competitive marketplace. You need your business to stand out from the crowd and to keep your present online; even when you’re not.

The best way of achieving this is to have an effective marketing strategy.

Design Your Site Right


The first step is to use a service like Quikclicks and have a website designed that really works. It needs to be clean, attractive and easy to navigate. Visitors will want to know they can contact you easily and get a quick response.

Getting this right will provide you with a platform to communicate with customers and build new relationships. It’s also a great place to post the perfect resume, which should answer most questions before a potential client asks them.


Your website is only part of your business marketing strategy. You also need to use social media and even YouTube to connect with people. You never know where your next client or gig s going to come from. While asking for a gig is sometimes necessary, it is beneficial if you’re the one approached simply because you’ve connected with people and built a reputation.

Develop Your Signature

unusual writing jobs

If you have a website and connect with people you’re going to have a lot of enquires. This means writing a lot of emails; every one of which represents an opportunity to promote your services further.

Create an email signature that has your name and important links; giving the reader everything they need to choose your service. The great thing is that you can add all this info automatically to every email you send.

Spread Your Wings

You need to create a portfolio that shows off your best writing work. You then need to include this in as many different places on the web as possible. The more places your portfolio exists in the higher the chance that someone will see it and contact you for more info/work.

It’s also important to remember that you need to help yourself now, being shy is not going to help you get the gig and the lifestyle you desire.


As a writer, you may not feel inclined to write when you’re not getting paid for it. However, a blog is the perfect way to stay in front of people and show that you’re an expert in a specific field.

You can attract new clients, monetarize your blog, and boost your own profile; all by writing a few words each week! That’s payment enough.


Other freelance writers are your competition, but they are also your allies. Being associated with some freelance writers can be enough to get you your next gig.

Making yourself known will elevate your own profile and can even get you referred, not everyone you connect with will be writing in the same niche as you.

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