Learn How to Increase Your Income by Building Your Email List [Workshop]

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Ever had that experience when you know that you have ninja writing skills, stellar services, and a killer product but people still aren’t coming in droves to your site? You just know that if only they discover you, readers, customers, and clients will be vying for your attention. What are you doing wrong???
Well, when we first started, it was hard, too. We were lucky in a way because we had something to build on, but we still had to figure out many things.

Now, our friend Ronak of SumoMe.com has been running businesses online for a while, and after selling his first software company, he built an e-commerce site that made a 6-figure income in just 12 months!

sumome workshop income

It’s safe to say he knows a few things about making online, isn’t it?

We’ve been begging him for months (seriously) and he’s FINALLY agreed to host a closed-door workshop which only 25 of you can attend.

Registration is open until Friday, September 16th, 11:59 PM CST.

Register here (only 25 slots available)

For those who are accepted, you’ll join Ronak in a private workshop where he will:

  1. Teach you how to double your email list (and why that matters)
  2. Show you how to drive thousands of visitors to your site
  3. Share how this all translates into money in your bank account
  4. Work with you and your site directly to show you exact steps you can take right now to increase your income.

One thing: In order to participate in the workshop and learn everything Ronak has to share, you’ll need to get SumoMe Pro to begin with.

Since you’re reading this, you’ve seen our newsletter signup pop-up box – that’s SumoMe in action. Before SumoMe, we struggled growing our email list. We tried different list builders – free and premium – but they didn’t give us the experience and results we wanted.

Then a fellow writer told us about SumoMe and we decided to give it a go. Guess what? Our email subscribers skyrocketed.

It’s not only about the numbers, though. We’ve decided to stick with SumoMe because it’s easy to use – the Pro version is easily integrated with your existing email platform (Aweber, Mailchimp, etc.) and it has a lot of added features (analytics, A/B testing, a lot of beautiful templates, to name a few). From the design to settings – everything’s all set up so you don’t need a lot of technical know-how.

That being said, make sure to get SumoMe Pro first so that you can take advantage of Ronak’s experience. The plan costs $20 per month and is normally payable annually. For participants of the workshop, however, the option of paying per month is available.

These 25 spots won’t last long so register here right now.

Remember, you only have until midnight to register!

If you’re looking to seriously grow your freelance business and not waste any more time, take action and join this workshop.

We’re looking forward to seeing you!

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