Introducing the Like button at Facebook!

Just a quick heads up. Today, Facebook decided that “Like” is a better wording choice than “Become a Fan.” Interesting news because we JUST discussed this here; with me and others noting that, “The wording, “Fan” is off-putting.” In fact this wording is one major reason I haven’t felt compelled to create a separate page for any of my sites. Currently I only have a me page.

What Facebook says…

“Introducing the Like button – Starting today people will be able to connect with your Page by clicking “Like” rather than “Become a Fan.” We hope this action will feel much more lightweight, and that it will increase the number of connections made across the site.”

Facebook also noted that they hope this will improve user experience and promote consistency across the site, plus they believe this change offers a more standard way to connect with people, things and topics in which you are interested.

In any case this is good news if the prior wording was annoying you. I know I like the change. What do you think?


3 responses
  1. adrienne Avatar

    Haven’t given it much thought even though I noticed the change on other blogs. I’ll have to read the post about the word “fan” but I didn’t realize that bothered people either. I need to pay more attention 🙂

    I thought about creating a Facebook page but Twitter is enough for me. Maybe that will change when I’m ready to branch out.

    Is it worth it to create one?
    .-= adrienne´s last blog ..KFC Double Down is Good for the Community? =-.

  2. Erik Hare Avatar

    I hate to be the language Nazi – heck, if you hate reading from a language Nazi, skip this – but the use of the word “like” really bothers me.

    It’s all, like, you click if you like it and stuff and then like you go up to the like comment section and stuff and, like, it’s like where you go “Oh, I really like this” after you, like, like the entry. KnowwhatImean?
    .-= Erik Hare´s last blog ..Restaurant Biz =-.

    1. Jennifer Avatar

      hahahaha – I still like the like button better but you’re funny. Once or twice is one thing but yeah, I’ve talked to folks who use like as if they’re in that movie Valley Girl – obnoxious.

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