10 Interesting Social Media & Blogging Stats

I recently came across a collection of stats as they pertain to social media and blogging. I found it to be a powerful collection of information to have. Especially while reflecting on old blog posts and considering future topics, social media goals and methods in which I can increase my traffic.

With this kind of knowledge you can customize a long-term agenda that will fit in line with some of the current trends.

When it comes to blogging and social media – now is not the time to get left behind.

  1. Social networking usage among seniors 65 and older grew 100% from 13% to 26%, and is expected to continue to increase (Pew Research Center)
  2. Twitter.com had 96 million unique visitors last month up 76% from the same period last year. The #1 spot being held by Facebook with 598 million unique visitors from the same period last year, up 54% from last year (comScore)
  3. 29% of Twitter users 18-24 years old use Twitter to follow their favorite companies
  4. 60% of web users visit social networks (PC Advisor)
  5. Two thirds of comScore’s U.S. Top 100 websites and half of comScore’s Global Top 100 websites have integrated with Facebook.
  6. The average Facebook user is connected to 60 pages, groups and events (Facebook press office)
  7. Twitter gets more than 300,000 new users every day (Twitter)
  8. There are more than 600 million searches on Twitter every day (Twitter)
  9. Over half of YouTube’s users are 20 years old (YouTube press center)
  10. 77% of internet users read blogs (Technorati)

I hope you find these stats to be as inspiring and thought provoking for you as they have been for me.

Stats Source





3 responses
  1. Tammi Kibler Avatar

    Excellent opportunities for writers abound. With all these new social media platforms, users will turn to writers to explain the how and why of the technology.

    Thanks for these statistics, they will be useful.

  2. Ryan @ Planting Dollars Avatar

    “Over half of YouTube’s users are 20 years old (YouTube press center)”

    It seems like there might be something a tad off with this one… Maybe over half of youtube’s users are in their twenties?

  3. Kassi Avatar

    TsUlTL I’m not easily impressed. . . but that’s impressing me! 🙂

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