If you follow me on Twitter, then you may have already seen the great list of the 100 most commonly misspelled words that I tweeted yesterday. YourDictionary.com put together the list and it’s filled with words that most people have trouble spelling.
I scrolled through the list and found several that often cause me to pause as my fingers fly across the keyboard. Accommodate and embarrass are two such words that always make me second guess myself.
The best part about the list on YourDictionary.com is that most of the words include a helpful little clue so you can remember how to spell it next time you use it in your writing. For example, remember that accommodate is big enough to accommodate two a’s and two m’s. That’s a great clue that I never heard before!
What words cause you to pause in your writing as you try to remember the correct way to spell them? Leave a comment and share those pet peeve spelling words. Maybe someone else in the Freelance Writing Jobs audience has a riddle or special way to remember the correct spelling!
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