A Freelancer’s Guide to Managing Job Uncertainty During the COVID-19 Crisis

The inevitable uncertainties that everyone is bound to face at some point in life should cause anxiety. Why? Because when your brain can’t figure out what lurks around a corner, everything goes haywire. Look no further than the COVID-19 crisis for a clear picture of this fact

It is clear that the COVID-19 crisis has persisted longer than anticipated. If you are reading this, then you likely have a lot of unanswered questions in your thoughts. When will you get your next gig? Is a client considering terminating your contract? Here’s a freelancer’s guide to managing job uncertainty in the face of the COVID-19 crisis.

Evaluate your financial position.

Fresh out of college with a degree in design, web development, or any other on-demand course, it’s so easy to see how you can make the number work for you. But then, COVID-19 hits, reality struck back hard at you, and even though you still have a gig or two in the works, you quickly realize you’re barely making enough. 

There are two important lessons to pick up from this COVID-19 crisis. You don’t live in theory, and simply making the payments doesn’t necessarily mean you’re safe when a crisis hits. A bit of number crunching will reveal how tighter you need to tighten your financial belt to survive. Keep in mind that your current financial health will affect both short-term and long-term financial goals. 

Money comes in and goes out. For the average Joe, this is about as deep as an understanding of their financial position gets. In such times of uncertainty, evaluating your current financial position can save you a lot compared to ignoring the finances and leaving your future to chance. As a starting point, calculate your net worth. In fact, you should track your net worth regularly to evaluate your progress, celebrate your successes, and note risk areas.

Woman on a laptop with Coursera partners Yale, Google, MoMA, Duke, and SAS in the background.

Consider learning new skills.

The pursuit of knowledge is an on-going endeavor. Obtaining an admirable certificate should kick-start a career in anything, but the road map to legendary status includes more certificates than one. Besides, learning something new is always a good thing. What’s more? The best time to learn is now, in the middle of the COVID crisis. If you are like most people, then you are finding yourself with extra time on your hands. What better way to spend it?

Take an online course, sign up for a free class, take part in a conference, any method will do. For this, you’ll need something challenging, which can take your career and business to the next level. The fruits of bettering yourself and fostering personal and professional growth and development pay for a lifetime. In any case, you are taking advantage of this bad time to do something positive with your time. 

Learning a new skill is a welcome distraction, more so with everything going on around the world. It is a way to escape the never-ending cycle of bad news. 

Invest your time in planning and training.

Consider this time and opportunity to dream big, plan for big things, and unleash a recharged spirit to do more. One thing only a handful of people will take away from the COVID-19 crisis is the need to manipulate the future through planning and training. When those ‘but 2020 happened’ memes go away, it should be a sign to plan for everything and anything. 

From the standpoint of a freelancer, it is all about solving a puzzle with ever-changing variables. For instance, what would your customers need on the other side of this crisis? Then how will your team meet these needs? It’s a fulfilling challenge that allows you to push yourself to new heights. Before that, you need to start early. Give your team time to complete brainstorming to executing in good time.

It’s a good time to reimagine yourself. Since the crisis has changed everything literally, take this time to recharge yourself for a changing market. Take a closer look at what is behind you and consider what is ahead. As a freelancer or everyone for that matter, you’ll always need to make incremental improvements.  

Network with others.

Networking serves as a platform for trading information and a valuable avenue for cultivating a long-term relationship with mutual benefits attached. The saying ‘no man is an island’ has been proved right for so long. Most people need a collective effort to achieve professional success. However, not everyone is created equal, so your challenge is to determine an individual’s relevance for your career. That way, you won’t have to include everyone in your network.

You can’t tell how much you know about a particular subject without listening to others. No matter your line of work, your success in it will be attributed to the pool of information you can garner. A network serves to trade ideas. Ideas benefit everyone in and outside the workplace. Networking with others also makes you noticeable, especially if you are seeking publicity for your business. 

In times of uncertainty, a network opens a door for newer and fresh opportunities. Opportunities like meeting new clients, maybe even bigger clients, are presented with minimal effort through networks. Hence, it goes without saying, forming a network is one thing, but utilizing one is another. 

Will you survive COVID-19? 

Social media is abuzz with inspiring stories of small businesses using creativity, community, and connection to navigate the tough, unpredictable, and harsh COVID-infested landscape. Unquestionably, these are tough times for many, including you. The severity of this crisis can put you out of business for good. 

You should have had enough time to move immediately to adapt as best as you can to the COVID-19 environment at the onset. It’s about time to launch that clock in, out of the app, and get insights into your time management. That way, you can see what’s most lucrative to you, then start there. 


Your infinite goal is to stay in business, always to offer something of value to the customer. Even with the COVID-19 crisis, the show must go on. So, are you ready for your post-COVID-19 recovery and beyond? 

Author’s BIO: Lori Wade is a journalist from Louisville. She is a content writer who has experience in small editions, Lori is now engaged in news and conceptual articles on the topic of business. Lori advises you to use the clock in and out app to control subordinates. And if you need more tips on time management, entrepreneurship, or leadership, you can find her on LinkedIn.   






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