Go Visit My Competitors – All of Them: 49 Writing & Freelancing Blogs to Enjoy!

Some bloggers don’t want you to know they have competitors. Some bloggers don’t want you to like the competition. Not us.  We want you to know that we think you should visit all the blogs in the niche including the competition. Even the blogs and bloggers we don’t particularly like.

Here’s why:

  1. Other bloggers have stuff to share too
  2. Other bloggers have stuff to teach too
  3. Other bloggers have communities to enjoy too
  4. I don’t believe in competition. I believe in colleagues and collaborators

If there’s one thing I’ve made perfectly clear, it’s that I’m not an expert. You can learn so much from everyone else too. So please, visit the competition.

In fact, I’m going to list as many competitors as possible. If you can think of others. do add them into the comments:

  1. About Freelance Writing
  2. About.com Freelance Writing
  3. Angela Booth’s Fab Freelance Writing Blog
  4. Bob Bly
  5. Carson Brackney
  6. Catalyst Blogger
  7. Chris Brogan
  8. Confident Writing
  9. CopyBlogger
  10. The Copywriter’s Crucible
  11. Daily Blog Tips
  12. Daily Writing Tips
  13. Editor Unleashed
  14. Escape from Corporate America
  15. Freelance Folder
  16. The Freelance Rant
  17. Freelance Switch
  18. Fuel Your Writing
  19. Get Paid to Write Online
  20. How Not to Write
  21. Ink Thinker
  22. Make a Living Writing
  23. Mark it Right
  24. Men with Pens
  25. Pajama Professional
  26. PoeWar
  27. ProBlogger
  28. ProCopy Tips
  29. Read Write Web
  30. Renegade Writer
  31. Remarkablogger.com
  32. Screw You!
  33. Thursday Bram begin_of_the_skype_highlighting     end_of_the_skype_highlighting
  34. Undress for Success
  35. Urban Muse
  36. Web Worker Daily
  37. The Well Fed Writer Blog
  38. Word Count
  39. Words for Hire
  40. Words on the Page
  41. Working at Home on the Internet
  42. Write to Done
  43. The Writer’s Technical Companion
  44. Writing Forward
  45. The Writing Journey
  46. Writing for the Web
  47. Writing Thoughts
  48. Writing White Papers
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11 responses
  1. Brandi U. Avatar

    What a great list of resources! Thanks so much Deb! Off to check each of them out.
    .-= Brandi U.´s last blog ..How Goofing Off Can Make You More Productive =-.

  2. P.S. Jones Avatar

    Thanks for this list. I was just saying that I need to read more writing blogs and socialize more online. I checked them all out and added the ones I liked to my Google reader.

  3. Karl Avatar

    Hello Deb,

    I appreciate you sharing information about other writing help websites. I checked out a few of them before clicking on number 35 (Undress for Success). It was a real eye opener. I imagined it to be about writing in one’s pj’s, well, I was wrong. Anyway, now I understand why they are considered competition! LOL!


  4. Michelle Rafter Avatar

    Thanks for including WordCount. I agree with you about thinking of fellow writing bloggers are community rather than competition. Because really, your success doesn’t take away from mine, it enhances the entire writing community. And collaboration is a good thing, especially for sole proprietors like freelance writers and entrepreneurial journalists.

    Michelle Rafter
    WordCount: Freelancing in the Digital Age

  5. allena Avatar

    Thanks for the shout out. On Facebook, I was asking for more freelance blogs to add to my iGoogle, and here they are!
    .-= allena´s last blog ..First Step to Freelance Writing Jobs =-.

  6. Donna Avatar

    Wow! Thanks for this great list of resources! Just let me get another Red Bull and dig in LOL
    .-= Donna´s last blog ..Qualify For The Ezine Articles HAHD Challenge And Win Prizes From 97 Dollar Ebooks! =-.

  7. Carol Avatar

    Thanks for the mention! Looks like a great list — I want to check out some of the others…familiar with many of these, but not all!

    .-= Carol´s last blog ..The Lowdown on Copywriting Rate Sheets – And a Freebie Offer! =-.

  8. Laura Spencer Avatar

    Thanks for including me on the list Deb!

    I hardly think of my blog as competition to Freelance Writing Jobs, but I appreciate the thought. 🙂

    I’ll definitely be visiting some of these others.
    .-= Laura Spencer´s last blog ..Should You Write Your Own Copy? =-.

  9. Brian at ArcticLlama.com Avatar

    Just FYI, that second link to about.com is broken. It is missing an ‘e’. Currently links to freelancewrit.about.com it should go to freelancewrite.about.com.

    Great list BTW.

    Freelance Writing Business – ArcticLlama, LLC
    .-= Brian at ArcticLlama.com´s last blog ..Private Browsing, Incognito Mode, and Privacy Mode Usage Respect =-.

  10. Michael E. Cantone Avatar

    That was a great resourceful post Deb.

    I have been dead in the head since my mothers death back in February and actually for quite sometime before that.

    .-= Michael E. Cantone´s last blog ..MichaelCantone: There are no challenges in the other world that cannot be achieved here. =-.

  11. webtoolsoffers Avatar

    I am doing Freelancing for many years and I have a great experience of it. It is genuenly a great source of earning money.

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