If You Don’t Feel You’re the Best, How Will You Convince Your Clients?

Lorna Brewer had an interesting post today wondering why the $100 bloggers and $400 press release writers feel they’re qualified to charge this amount. I commented that it’s for the same reason we pay more money for fine art of gourmet cooking ingredients. The people who want the best will pay for the best.

And then it dawned on me…what if the people who charge $5 for a blog post don’t feel they’re the best?

I’m going to make this short and sweet.

Most legitimate clients want the best writers for their projects. If you don’t feel you’re worthy, how can you convince potential clients to hire you? When you apply for a gig or query, you want the client to choose you out of the hundreds of applicants. If you don’t feel you’re the best person to handle these projects, why on earth would they send you a contract?

Here are a few blog posts about finding confidence, coming out of your comfort zone and landing the high paying gigs.  You’re clients want the best. Don’t give them anything less:

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7 responses
  1. Chris Mower Avatar

    A thought that came to me while reading this:

    Next time you land a new client, up your bid. If you charge $45/ hour (I hope not!) then up your price to $75/hour. If you’re charging more naturally you’ll want to do a better job because you know the client is expecting it. Just as charging peanuts can negatively affect your self esteem, charging more can boost it.

    I think you’ll be surprised at how charging more boosts your confidence and helps you to see that you ARE worth more than you think. With some experimentation you’ll find a price point that fits your skill level and satisfies your clients. Then, just keep working at it, adjusting as you go.
    .-= Chris Mower´s last blog ..12 Simple Lessons in Leadership for Those Who Want to Make a Difference =-.

  2. dava Avatar

    I’m definitely not the best at what I do, and I don’t charge the rates that those who are the best command. Those two facts open entire, often neglected markets for me. While I completely agree that you must have confidence to succeed, I’m not so sure you must believe you are the best.

    I write email newsletters, manage Facebook pages, write blogs and perform various other writing tasks for my clients who are by and large technophobes. As far as the writing goes, I’m good and have no doubt regarding my skills. Using the social media applications to the fullest extent? I’m not the best at that by a long shot. There’s so much to learn and everything is so constantly evolving…

    However, people who do the same sort of work I do and who know much, much more about social media tools charge as much as 200 times my monthly rate. Small businesses, comprised of 1-10 employees, usually can’t afford to keep a social media expert/professional writer on retainer.

    Would I like to have 3 clients and make the same amount of money I make with 10? Well, sure, and maybe someday I’ll be able to. But for right now, I love working with the tiny businesses I work with and am satisfied with my rates and even with knowing I’m not the best at what I do.

  3. Jim Lochner Avatar

    This is the perfect post for me this week. Not only is it “short and sweet,” but after losing $17,000 worth of freelance work in two days (through no fault of my own, client budget crap), I’m feeling a little shell-shocked. Yes, I learned some valuable lessons but that’s not helping me push through the malaise and get my butt in gear again. So thanks for the new and archived posts to get me back on the horse.
    .-= Jim Lochner´s last blog ..CD Review: The Secret In Their Eyes =-.

  4. Lucy Smith Avatar

    @Chris – you’re so right. Funnily enough, I was charging $45/hour, and I did up it to $75/hour (those were New Zealand dollars though) after I did some ‘mystery shopping’ and found out what other copywriters charged. Then I priced a little above some and a little below others (who had a level of experience I just haven’t reached yet).

    The first time I got referred to a new client after I raised my rates, I went to meet with them to discuss the job. Rates were never mentioned until I told them at the end that it was going to be $75 an hour, plus tax, and they nodded and said ‘okay’. That was it. They didn’t scream and show me the door, and the sky didn’t fall down. When I told an existing client about my rates increase, he was fine with it too. It was great for my faith in myself, which is really important at networking functions. It’s also nice to get a cheque for a decent amount of money, not just a couple of hundred dollars.
    .-= Lucy Smith´s last blog ..Some light relief for a short week =-.

  5. Phil Avatar

    I think Lucy has the right idea, being in the middle of your “peer range” makes the most sense. Too high and you won’t have enough work. But if you’re too low, the price shopping clients/prospects will drop you for someone lower in a heartbeat.

  6. Lucy Smith Avatar

    @Phil – also, if you’re too low the ones who aren’t just price shopping will wonder why, will think you’re no good, and will probably hire someone else who charges more…
    .-= Lucy Smith´s last blog ..Some light relief for a short week =-.

  7. Gina Avatar

    Sometimes we don’t get paid what we are worth. Sometimes we are lucky we get paid. It’s better than reporting to a dirty factory and slaving all day for a few bucks!
    .-= Gina´s last blog ..Write What You Know? =-.

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