Penguin Books Accepting Unsolicited Submissions Through October 2010

Penguin Books is a well-known and highly respected publisher that doesn’t typically accept unsolicited submissions directly from writers.  However, for three months only, Penguin Books is accepting unsolicited submissions from aspiring writers!

Submissions should be emailed to before the end of October 2010.  Don’t worry if you’re not in the United Kingdom where this division of Penguin is located.  For example, I live in the United States and two of my books are published by the division of Macmillan Publishing in the United Kingdom (Palgrave Macmillan).  If a publisher likes your book, it doesn’t matter where you or the publisher is located.

You can get the details on the Penguin website, but here is an overview from the site:

“We ask that email submissions comprise a brief covering note and synopsis and not a full manuscripts. Please do not send attachments, please write out your cover note and synopsis in the body of the email. We remain unable to accept hard copy submissions and will not return or be responsible for the safety of any that we do receive, so please do not send any original or hard copy manuscripts to us. We will not contact you with feedback on your submission and will only enter into email correspondence with you if an editor within Penguin is keen to progress your idea.”

There are no specifics about genre, so it looks like Penguin is open to all submissions.  This is a huge opportunity!  Good luck if you decide to send in a submission!


12 responses
  1. Genesis Avatar

    Wow, good to know! Thanks!

  2. Denise Grier Avatar

    Wonderful news! I have a manuscript that they just might like! Thanks for posting this. Let’s talk about trading links!

  3. Heather Webb Avatar

    Hello, I saw this post about open submission at Penguin until the end of October. I have searched the website top to bottom and can’t find any mention of it. Am I just blind and missing it? I’d like to know specifications, etc., and wanted find it. Help! Thank you for posting!!

  4. Susan Gunelius Avatar

    Heather Webb,
    Click on the link in the above post that says “Penguin Website” which will take you to the page with the details. It’s in Question #11 on that page.

  5. Keisha Avatar

    I saw the post however no mention of who to send it to . Any help will be appreciated.

  6. Susan Gunelius Avatar

    Keisha, There is no name given, just the email address shown in the post and through the link on Penguin’s site.

    1. Keisha Avatar

      Susan thanks for your reply, I’ll take a go of it and hope for the best. Again thank you.

  7. Harriet Avatar

    Wonderful! Quick question- does this include picture books?

  8. Susan Gunelius Avatar

    Harriet, If you follow the link and read the info about the submission process, it doesn’t say specific genres are or are not being accepted.

  9. sage Avatar

    Is this offer of accepting unsolicited manuscripts still up? I’ve just gone to the link and it seems to be gone? I followed the link when you first posted it and it was there. I may be going crazy?

  10. sage Avatar

    Ignore me, I must be going crazy. It’s still there.

  11. Elise Habra Avatar
    Elise Habra


    I understand that you want a cover note and synopsis in the email regarding Penguin’s accepting unsolicited submissions. You also stated that you do not want any attachments, nor a full manuscript. Does this mean you want to read a certain number of chapters? If so, do you want it included in the email with the cover note and synopsis?

    Or are you accepting the synopsis and cover note only?


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