PR Newswire Launches ProfNet Connect

PR Newswire’s ProfNet service has been around since 1992 and made it easy for writers to find expert sources for quotes, interviews, and more.  Now, ProfNet Connect has launched and replaces the ProfNets Expert Database.  It’s still free to join (either as a writer seeking sources or as an expert), and offers a more interactive approach to connecting experts and journalists.

With ProfNet Connect, you can search for experts and communicate directly with them through messages, forum posts, and blogs.  Expert profiles include a lot more information than they did during the ProfNets Expert Database days.  For example, a profile can now include multimedia, videos, pictures, white papers, audio content, and more.  With the enhanced profile feature, you can gather enough information about a person to determine if he or she is the right person to contact to help you with a story before you go any further.

The new ProfNet also offers the ability to create groups, so you can easily find sources who have identified themselves as having expertise in specific areas.  For example, ProfNet is still very new but already has groups for green technology, social media, keynote and guest speakers, cloud computing, and more.

ProfNet Connect also offers an event calendar, and another feature that you might find yourself visiting is the Job Board included in the ProfNet Connect Forum.

Rather than simply publishing an opportunity, you can search for experts and contact them directly.  However, you can still submit queries through the ProfNet site or the ProfNet query form if you prefer.

I have used ProfNet in the past to find experts for articles and books I’ve written, so I can attest to the fact that it works.  You can follow the link to find more free tools to find expert sources for your own stories.


4 responses
  1. Carol Avatar

    Sounds like a big upgrade for them that should help them compete with HARO…they were kind of left behind. I found the number and quality of experts on ProfNet had really sunk in recent years…maybe this will bring them back.

  2. Alina Bradford Avatar

    Profnet isn’t new. I’ve been using it for years. It’s not the only website that is great for finding experts, either. TravMedia and Newswise are some others.

    1. Susan Gunelius Avatar

      Alina, You’re correct. As I mentioned in my post, ProfNet debuted in 1992, but ProfNet Connect is brand new and just launched. HARO is another great source for experts.

  3. Debra Stang Avatar

    Thanks for the resource. I’ll be sure to check this out. I have to admit I’d gotten pretty discouraged with the old ProfNet.

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