Shakespeare Has a Gay Old Time

I write SEO articles. I compose “about” pages. I turn resumes into executive bios. I admit that I am no Shakespeare.

That said, I love me some Shakespeare. I have a BA in Theatre Arts, and my dream was to play Ophelia, preferably with the Theatre Department’s heartthrob in the role of Hamlet. Because then he’d have to notice me, right? Of course, I found out years later that at least one of those heartthrobs was what they used to call a “confirmed bachelor.” Yep, the guy playing the most macho roles known to drama was, in fact, gay.

The folks over at Second City went ahead and re-envisioned what some of The Bard’s most popular works would have looked like if he’d just gone ahead and written the “gay guy” right into the script. Ophelia, Desdemona, and Juliet could all have benefited from the wisdom of a “Sassy Gay Friend.”

And, yes, I do realize that I am past my Ophelia prime. It’ll be years before I’m too old to play Gertrude, though…







2 responses
  1. Phil Avatar

    Could you contact me via e-mail

    Would like to know more about where you got your BA, what you thought of it, job prospects, etc., because I have a daughter who’s a junior in high school who’s thinking of pursuing such a career.


  2. Jane Eisenhart Avatar

    I think I’ve watched the Hamlet video 16 times today. Beautiful! And, hey, much in the way of kudos to those actors. It was all hilarious, but with very detectable skill involved.

    .-= Jane Eisenhart´s last blog ..The lust and the worship =-.

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