The Freelance Writing Jobs Network Community Survey – Some Early Results

I’m thrilled by the large response to our Freelance Writing Jobs network community survey. As I mentioned earlier, your feedback is what keeps us going. Telling us what you like and dislike tells us what we’re doing right, and lets us know which areas need improvement.

As this is your community, I thought I might share some of the early findings with you here.

  • With the exception of two members of this community, the majority of you love what we do here and don’t want us to change beyond a few tweaks.
  • Most of you come here to find jobs but take time afterward to read the articles.
  • Many of you want a spot where you can collaborate with other writers and sell your products and ebooks – we’re working on both a community marketplace and collaboration area.
  • You’re all curious about where the gigs come from and what makes the cut. (Look for a post a little later today explaining the job search.)
  • You really like our new market listings – and be assured we have many more market listings waiting to go.
  • Almost every respondent said they appreciate the new focus on positivity and hope we keep that going. (we will).
  • The majority of writers polled said they come here because of the community aspect, the positive vibe, conversational tone and that we don’t look down on specific types of writers.
  • 10% of the respondents asked me to slow down when I write so I don’t let so many typos loose. (I hear ya.)
  • Writers especially want to know how to be self sufficient, earn money with passive forms of income, and,  how to have a profitable blog.

This is fun –

  • 50%  of  those surveys said we focus too much on beginners and 50% said we don’t focus enough on beginners.
  • 50% of those surveyed asked for us to not focus on content sites so much, and 50% asked if we could feature more articles about content sites.

Do you have an opinion about this network, how we’re doing and how we can improve? Please sure by taking the survey.





3 responses
  1. Karen Ludlow Avatar
    Karen Ludlow

    Deb – Thank you, thank you! I’m one of the writers who suggested a market place and collaboration area for writers. I can’t wait to see this develop. Thank you for always listening to my suggestions and patiently responding even when I’m a pain in the butt. Your attitutde plus approachability is why I continue to come to FWJ.

  2. Johnny Avatar

    While I’m not a writer by trade, I do enjoy swinging by and picking up a tip or two when I can. There are also some pretty useful articles on freelancing that can be applied to all fields. It helps to read other perspectives of freelancing that you don’t always come across when sticking with your own field.
    .-= Johnny´s last blog ..Do It Yourself WordPress Tips You Wish You Learned Earlier, Part I: Backups =-.

  3. Anne Wayman Avatar

    lol, love your early results… and folks want a place to collaborate… that sort of surprises me, but I tend to be a loner.

    And the 50-50 split doesn’t surprise me. Looking forward to more results.
    .-= Anne Wayman´s last blog ..Amazon Settles With BookLocker =-.

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