Your Turn: What or Who is Your Dream Client?

I’m turning the discussion over to you today as I attend to urgent business. Let’s talk about your clients. We often talk about demanding or difficult clients, but have you ever had a dream client? How do you define a “dream client?”

For me, a dream client is someone who doesn’t micromanage but keeps the lines of communication open. It’s someone who is detailed about what he wants but doesn’t nitpick. It’s someone who pays a fair wage and knows quality writing commands quality pay. It’s someone who gives credit where it’s due and pays on time.

Your turn: Define your dream client…

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6 responses
  1. Sarah Avatar

    I would love a serious writing job about either technology or being frugal. Something that would pay me well and that I would not get tired of.
    .-= Sarah´s last blog ..Vote For Me! =-.

  2. Robin Avatar

    I have my dream client right now – Mother Nature Network. Couldn’t ask for a better gig, a more supportive editor, or cooler opportunities.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..What do young adults care about? =-.

  3. Jack Busch Avatar

    I’d like a client who not only hands over the reigns for content direction, posting and blog functionality but also budgets for other activity. Blogs are about community, and if all you are doing is hiring someone to put words on the page, then you’re missing part of the equation. I still do some light promotion (commenting, bookmarking, etc.) for the blogs I’m hired to write for, but it’s kind of a drag to do it for free.

  4. AprilMay Avatar

    One who communicates clearly and in a timely manner! Every problem I’ve ever had with a client stems from one of these two issues. Or both!
    .-= AprilMay´s last blog ..Happy Birthday Tristan! =-.

  5. Amy Avatar

    I have my dream client right now – Mother Nature Network. Couldn’t ask for a better gig, a more supportive editor, or cooler opportunities.
    .-= Robin´s last blog ..What do young adults care about? =-.

  6. Victoria Avatar

    I’d love a non-profit that needed features on various topics related to its agenda or profiles on emerging social change activists. Any advice?

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