April 2010
Your Turn: Does Freelance Writing Only Mean Client Projects?
freelance or free-lance free′·-lance′ (frē′lans′) noun a writer, musician, artist, etc. who…
Blogging Mistakes: Too Many Projects, Not Enough Time
Blogging has obviously been a successful endeavor for me, but it’s also…
10,000+ Subscribers: Thank You FWJ Community
Yesterday the Freelance Writing Jobs blog received it’s 10,000th subscriber. With our…
Will Funny Get You the Freelance Writing Job?
Back in my early freelance writing days, I felt being clever and…
Lorna’s Top Ten Movies about Writers
Because movies are written by, well, writers, it’s not hard to figure…
SEO Experts and Freelance Writers: Interview with Kieran Flanagan
Kieran is a great guy with whom to work and his perspective…
I'm a Writer – I Can Rationalize Anything
As a freelance writer, do you ever find yourself breaking the rules…
Addressing Your Questions About Being a Paid Mouthpiece for Demand Studios
Sorry for going off topic. There must be a blog post somewhere…
Create Job Security
Guest post by Nacie Carson Sometimes it seems that the one thing…
There’s Still Time to Write Your Limerick
The Freelance Writing Jobs Limerick contest is still going on. Drop by…