The Freelance Writing Jobs Facebook Group ( I prefer the term “Group” over “fan page” or “like page,” don’ t you?” ) is a rousing success. Every day More new members sign on and we participate in discussion topics and visit issues affecting freelancers. We also throw in some fun stuff too, in order to break up the day and even share our favorite resources. Watching this social network grow by leaps and bounds is so rewarding, but it also has me a little troubled.
The Freelance Writing Jobs community is growing more each day. Between our feeds, blog readers, RSS readers, Twitter followers and newsletter subscribers, we have over 15,000 members. However, I often wonder if all the social networking and bells and whistles are keeping readers away from the blog, instead of driving them here.
Don’t get me wrong, the Facebook Group and the newsletter absolutely send traffic this way and have done wonders for the community. What if they didn’t exist though? Would we have more physical traffic? Would the community interact with each other more here instead of elsewhere?
Do the Different Social Networking Groups Drive Traffic Away from Our Blogs?
When the Facebook discussions hit 60+ comments, I get a thrill. Wouldn’t it be nicer to have everyone interact here though? If I create Twitter lists, Facebook groups, Ning groups, Yahoo and Google groups, or an outside forum, won’t that serve to keep everyone off the blog? I often wonder if we create cliques instead of communities. Everyone has their social network of choice and keep the conversation there rather than where it should really be happening. Sometimes they’ll show their faces on the blog if a controversial topic comes up, but the majority of the community reads and runs, only chatting with those in their networks.
Again,I’m proud of our online communities, especially the Facebook group. I sometimes think we’re doing more to drive traffic away from the blog than to bring them together.
I wrote about this before if you would like to take a look…
What are your thoughts on different social networking groups? Do they drive traffic towards or away from blogs?
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