Why should any number of freelancers be concerned about photos in their posts? There are a number of reasons and they mostly pertain towards marketing ventures. To get more eyeballs viewing your posts it will take some time and a lot of practice. But if you have the ability to craft unique headlines with related stock photos, the process becomes a lot easier.
I want to present some ideas from the website Depositphotos which can be a tremendous asset to freelancers. All of their products are submitted by other freelancers or graphics designers who live around the globe. You have the option to search hundreds of thousands of different keywords for pulling just the right set of images in your article.
However there is a fine line that can be crossed by adding way too many photos. It drives attention away from your writing, and it makes reading very difficult. I recommend picking spots where you will find benefits from including the image, rather than just to look pretty. If readers connect the dots between your writing and your imagery then you are on the right path.
Images for Bloggers
One particular aspect on Depositphotos stands out to me over any other. Their large collection of new products offers a resolution where writers may hold contests or promotional articles marketing the Depositphotos catalog. In exchange you can obtain credits for downloading and using new photos on your blog or website.
Get all the details about their program for bloggers by reading through the page and getting in touch with a staff member. You can submit your website and put together a plan for writing articles which promote their catalog. It is a really great feature to use on websites which are not currently profitable. It can be tough justifying payments which come out of your own pocket.
I think bloggers are also more interested in scaling their own website by working with affiliates who can help manage similar goals. Although this is not always the case, but most bloggers really enjoy Depositphotos and can manage a healthy working partnership. It will not cost you any money unless you decide to subscribe to one of their paid plans.
But the incentive for bloggers to follow along with stock photography does have a large factual backing. You can visit any number of popular online magazines to see how their frontpage is structured. Articles usually present some type of featured image, whether a thumbnail or slideshow, that will attract your reader’s attention very quickly. The extra effort is worth your time because traffic numbers will continue to rise year-after-year with great writing and great content.
If you want to read more about Depositphotos check out their official blog for news and updates. The staff will also sometimes post more offbeat ideas such as case studies, promotions, marketing concepts, and new product launches. I find that Depositphotos is one of the best digital media catalogs for bloggers and webmasters which also offers an affordable membership & affiliates program.
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