Building Your Freelance Writing Brand – Part 5

Part 5 of the Building Your Freelance Writing Brand Series here on Freelance Writing Jobs is all about online reputation management and search engine reputation management (SERM).  It’s a direct follow-up to Part 4, which dealt with manipulating search engine results and handling negative conversations about your brand online.  You can get links to all previous parts of the Building Your Freelance Writing Brand series at the end of this post.

Online reputation management deals not just with responding to negative conversations but also monitoring what is being said about your brand across the social web on an ongoing basis.  When you know what is being published about your brand, you can decide which tactic described in Part 4 is the right one for you to pursue in different situations.

But how do you find out what people are saying about you online?

Fortunately, there are some tools that can make it easier for you to keep track of ongoing conversations and content published about your brand.  While these tools are far from perfect, they can help you find conversations happening on diverse websites, and they can save you a lot of time.

Following are several free and easy-to-use tools that can help you monitor your online brand reputation:

1. Google Search

Take a few moments each day to conduct an Advanced Google Search to find any mentions of your brand in the past 24 hours.  There is no better way to manage your search engine reputation than to do a search everyday for your brand just like potential clients would.  You can also conduct searches for your top keyword phrases where you want your business to appear in the results to see how your content is faring in search rankings.

2. Google Alerts

Set up Google Alerts for your brand name and related terms, so you’ll receive emails when content with those terms is indexed by Google.

3. Twitter Alerts

Use a tool like TweetBeep or Twilert to set up alerts, so you’ll receive emails when tweets using your selected keywords (including your brand name) are published.

4. Monitter

You can use Monitter to watch real-time Twitter conversations related to keywords of your choice.

5. Twitter Search

An Advanced Twitter Search can help you find tweets that mention your brand or keywords of you choice.

There are other tools that you can use to monitor social media mentions, but they leave a lot to be desired and can give you an inaccurate portrayal of your online reputation.  If you’d like to try some, popular options include Social Mention, Samepoint, and WhosTalkin.

Stay tuned for Part 6 of the Building Your Freelance Writing Brand series where you’ll learn about search engine optimization tips to boost your brand’s online presence and help people find the content about your brand that you want them to find.

Read Parts 1-4 of the Building Your Freelance Writing Brand Series

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