Freelance Writing
Want More Clients? Look to Businesses That Complement Yours
by Jodee Redmond The writing leads we post here at FWJ are…
The Law of Attraction and Freelance Writing
The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a term that is being used…
Looking for a Niche? Consider “Evergreen” Topics
by Jodee Redmond You may have heard that as a freelance writer,…
Personal or Professional: The Freelance Writer’s Blog(s)
By Erika-Marie Geiss When it comes to freelance writing and blogging, there…
Why You Should Add Blogging to Your Freelance Writing Portfolio
By Misti Sandefur Boost Your Freelance Writing Income By adding blog writing…
Why a Freelance Writer Needs to be Like a Duck
by Jodee Redmond If you want to be a successful freelancer, there…
Parenting and Writing
by Misti Sandefur I woke to a beautiful spring day, and the…
5 Factors Guaranteed to Sabotage Your Writing Efforts
by Chris Cristiano As most writers know, some days you have the…
A Freelance Writer’s Limerick
by Erika-Marie Geiss This week, I offer an anthem of sorts for…
Ugur Akinci: Interview With a Technical Writer
by Jodee Redmond I’ve been posting lots of jobs for technical writers…