Dear John (Niche)…

The thrill is gone. You have delved so deep into your niche you’ve scrapped the bottom clear through to the other side of the world. The relationship has become boring and predictable and you want out, but there is just one thing…

You make great money and are in a pretty cozy in your position. How do you get out without jeopardizing your wallet?

Ease on down.

You don’t have to do a full, traumatic break up with your niche, instead it may be easier for you, and your reputation, to build up your work in an other area while still working on your tried and true subject. Sure it may seem a bit like cheating, but hey this is writing, no one’s going to ask for visitation rights or want to throw lamps at you in rage. We hope.

Pass the Torch.

Selling a blog is always a dramatic and popular way to exit a niche. After doing all that is possible in one area, passing the torch is a great way to introduce the world to your new main squeeze while leaving the old one in reliable hands. This provides great closure for the relationship with your readers and gets them interested in your new opportunities.

Just stop.

Stop going through the motions. When you are on auto-pilot it’s time to get off the ride before your readers and editor notices.Writing is not one of those jobs where you can get away with “By Rote Disease” for long before someone pays attention and starts talking. I understand it can be hard to let go. It’s what you know and what you’re comfortable with, but it’s unfair to the niche. Think about all of the fresh-eyed, excited writers ready to dive in and explore!

There’s not a lot to worry about when leaving your niches as long as you’ve established yourself as having a great work ethic and super skills. In fact, most will expect your success based on your previous reputation. The main person to be concerned about when cutting the strings is you. Never fear, if you change your mind, your niche will be waiting – they are sweet that way.


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