Downloadable Infographic Resume Templates for Writers

If you have decided that an infographic resume is the right style for you, then you’ll need to decide on a style that can present your skills and experience in a way that will make you an attractive candidate to potential clients. Unlike a standard resume, you only have a single page in which to tell your story, so space is definitely at a premium here. How do you find the right template for your resume?

What to Look for in Infographic Resume Templates

The best templates share certain features in common.

  • They are simple. The person reading them can understand what the writer is trying to convey very easily.
  • The layout is attractive. The viewer is immediately drawn in by the use of color and design to access the information.
  • They are well organized. The resume follows a certain path through the document that makes sense to the reader.
  • They are extendable. Your resume is a living document. As you continue to gain experience in your writing career, you’ll want to be able to update it. The template you choose should be able to accommodate these changes.

Write a Resume or Choose a Template First?

The next question you will likely have is whether you should write your resume first and find a template to fit the information or if it makes more sense to choose a downloadable resume template and make your resume fit into that format? The best answer lies somewhere in the middle.

Before you can start viewing templates, write a rough draft of your resume that includes the subheadings you will be using in your final document. That way, you’ll have an idea of how you want your information arranged. It will be easier for you to review templates to decide which ones seem like they might be a good fit for your information and which ones you will need to pass on.

If you don’t find one that seems like it will work for you right away, don’t give up. There are many downloadable infographic templates for resumes available online. It may take some poking around before you find one that is a good fit. Since you are looking to fill out a template that you will be sharing with potential clients, you owe it to yourself to make sure that you are presenting yourself in a way that fits your personality and style. Your resume is your way of introducing yourself to a client, and you’ll want to be sure that the first impression you make is an accurate one.

Free and Low-Cost Downloadable Infographic Templates for Writers

Here are some examples of free and low-cost infographic resumes available online. Review them carefully to determine which one might be a good fit to present your skills and abilities. If you choose one of the free templates, you can work with it to see if it feels like it will present you to a prospective client in an effective manner. You may need to prepare more than one draft before you are happy with the result. 27 Creative Photoshop & InDesign Resume Templates

This site does include standard resume templates, but you will also find a number of interesting examples of infographic resume templates available for download as well. If you want to keep it simple, the Black & White option has an easy-to-read layout that will help you get your feet wet with this resume style.

It also includes examples of minimalist infographic resume styles, a floral resume if you want to display your education and experience in a diagonal pattern on the page, and a resume and cover letter on a single page.

Minimalistic Resume Template

The Minimalistic Resume Template features two columns and is geared toward graphic artists but it could be used for freelance writers as well. Its simple, clean lines allow a writer to focus on telling his or her own story, without distractions.

Creative Resume Templates

Visit this site to check out its selection of 21 creative resume templates. This is not a free resource; you’ll have to pay a nominal cost of $6.00 to download the template. Highlights include a template for an eight-page resume “book,” a notepad style resume, and a clean infographic resume.

Creative Sorcerers Free Resume Templates

Creative Sorcerers offers a number of free to download resume templates in PSD format. Download the one you want to use and work with it in Adobe Photoshop. Modern Infographic Resume Template

StockDesign’s Modern Infographic template has a clean, modern appearance. It has a timeline, a space for an image, and spaces for your skills and awards you have received. If you like this template, you pay for it with a tweet on Twitter or a share on Facebook.


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One response
  1. Amanda Avatar

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