Freelancers Need Flexibility to Succeed

When it comes to your freelance career, how flexible are you? We live in uncertain economic times, and I would suggest that the freelancers who are the most adaptable will fare the best.

Like a number of people, I read What Color is Your Parachute a number of years ago. One of the things I took away from reading that book was to stop thinking of myself as only one thing when it came to my work life. I am not simply a content writer or a copy writer, an e-book writer, a blogger, or whatever. I am a person who can [fill in the blank here.]

As markets change, we need to be able to adapt and switch niches or find a new approach to the ones we are writing about. Think back to when you were just starting out as a writer – you had to start somewhere, right?

If one part of the market changes, then a new niche will open up. Which niches are ones that are in demand right now? I’ve been seeing more opportunities for people who can write about mortgages, foreclosures, and credit lately. I would think that budgeting, debt reduction strategies, and frugal living would be worth exploring. With the number of people who have been laid off recently, job search tips and how to market yourself to a prospective employer would be timely topics to address.

If you are interested in finding out more about what the “hot” sectors are in freelance writing, check out Yuwanda Black’s free report available at

Being alert to trends and being able to adapt the topics you write about means that you can not only survive, but thrive, in the present economic conditions.

Have you adapted your writing because of the economy? What changes have you made, or have you had to make any changes in the kind of writing you do?





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