I’m very happy to announce that Freelance Writing Jobs is launching a new weekly column called Freelance Writing Advice. Think of it as the Dear Abby of the freelance writing world, and our “Abby” will be none other than Freelance Writing Jobs veteran contributor Jodee Redmond!
Jodee currently writes in the job hunting tips section of Freelance Writing Jobs where she covers topics like developing good relationships with clients, how to know when to say goodbye to a client, and much more.
Do you have a freelance writing question? Jodee’s new Freelance Writing Advice column will debut on Wednesday, August 11th here on the main Freelance Writing Jobs site. She’ll feature questions submitted by Freelance Writing Jobs readers as well as a wide variety of questions that can help freelance writers build their businesses and their careers successfully.
So what question or concern have you been pondering? Leave a comment with your question and you might see it featured in an upcoming post in the Freelance Writing Advice column.
And to be sure you don’t miss any content from the Freelance Writing Jobs Network, you can follow us on Twitter (@freelancewj) where all of the feeds and posts from all of the blogs in the network are available in one place!
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