Monday Markets for April 19, 2010

Art Calendar

From the Web Site:

We welcome nuts-and-bolts, practical articles of interest to serious visual artists, emerging or professional. Examples: marketing how-to’s, pieces on business practices and other topics of use to artists. The tone of our magazine is practical, can-do and uplifting. We prefer very specific topics, as opposed to general overviews. So, for example, an article on how artists should write a press release and where they should send it would stand a good chance of being accepted, whereas as an article about why marketing is important to artists would not. We also prefer articles from writers who are artists or art professionals with first-hand industry knowledge, as opposed to general interest freelance writers.

Articles should be no more than 1600 words, and high-quality photographs should be available to illustrate any article we elect to print. Please do not submit images unless requested.

What We Don’t Like

We do not run reviews or art historical pieces, nor do we like writing characterized by “critic-speak.” We do not run artist profiles unless the artist is being profiled because of his or her specific business model or practices.

What and When We Pay

Upon publication, we pay $250 for the article and images published. The original owner retains all copyrights to the images, and the writer is free to use the article submitted for whatever other venues he or she chooses. Under the terms we’ve established in our writer’s agreements, we may also run your article on our Web site instead of or in addition to printing it in the magazine. Payment will be mailed within 30 days of receipt of your invoice, which may be submitted after your article has been accepted and edited, and you have made any requested changes or additions to the article.

Louisiana Cookin

From the Web Site:

Please submit a resume, 3 clips and a cover letter stating your knowledge of Louisiana food to Jyl our Editor. Queries are accepted the same way. Please do not send a query without a resume, clips and cover letter.

Louisiana Cookin’ is seeking writers who are familiar with the culinary traditions of Louisiana and its Cajun and Creole heritage. Writers should be extremely knowledgeable about food and cooking.  Louisiana Cookin’ is available at select Barnes and Noble stores nationwide as well as throughout Louisiana at many retail locations.

All freelancers are paid on publication. Invoices must be emailed to our Accounting department – our office address is at the bottom of each page. Louisiana Cookin’ is published 6 times per year (Jan, Mar, May, July Sept, Nov). We do not publish fiction or poetry. The pay rate is between $.12 and $.18 per word depending on the amount of research involved and the placement within the magazine (feature or department). We buy first-time North American rights for the magazine, website, email newsletter, promotional materials, and any other Louisiana Cookin’-branded property. Because of the amount of queries we receive, we cannot respond to every one.

Natural Solutions: Vibrant Health, Balanced Living

From the Web Site:

Writers Guidelines
Natural Solutions works with the top health writers in the country to develop research-backed content that emphasizes practical solutions and gives readers the information they need to better care for themselves and the planet. Our readers are savvy and passionate about improving their health and the quality of their lives. In each issue, we offer the latest news on herbs and supplements, natural beauty products, healing foods, and natural household products—plus up-to-date research in the fields of complementary medicine and alternative therapies.
We focus on information that will help our readers take charge of their own well-being. Each article must be grounded in some kind of authority—citing studies, where applicable, and interviewing experts in the field—but it also must give our readers practical advice. They want to know what the information means for them, how it fits into their lifestyle and how it can inform the choices they make about their health.
Writers interested in submitting story ideas are encouraged to carefully examine the magazine before sending their queries. Please submit your idea to with a brief explanation of why you think your story would be a fit for Natural Solutions,and attach three published clips. Please note that we do not accept unsolicited manuscripts. Although we try to respond to every story pitch, we receive hundreds of emails daily, and you may not receive a timely response. Our editors will contact you if they are interested in pursuing a story.

Here are the sections we are currently accepting pitches for.

HEALTH MATTERS & SIMPLE SOLUTIONS. These newsy, front-of-book and back-of-book sections are the best place to pitch Natural Solutions because we are always looking for innovative ideas. Health Matters and Simple Solutions highlight the latest research studies, trends, tips, and interesting product finds in short, easy-to-digest articles of 50 to 200 words. Each subsection in Health Matters focuses on a particular topic—food, self-care, beauty, pet health, families, balance, and the environment. Simple Solutions stories should always contain doable solutions to common conditions or health issues.
HEALING FOODS. Highlights ways food can support your health and ways it can be used as an alternative therapy for particular conditions. Recent topics have included gluten-free diets, using an elimination diet to address allergies and food intolerance, and eating to ease diabetes. Note that we work with only experienced recipe developers. Stories in this department range from 800 to 1,200 words.

NATURAL RADIANCE. This department looks at the latest trends in natural beauty, present the purest and most effective products available, and provides solutions to promote healthy skin and hair. The editors closely read product labels and identify the not-so-clean—and sometimes toxic—ingredients found in so many cosmetics. Stories in this department range from 800 to 1,200 words.
HEALTHY TONICS. Highlights alternative therapies for common conditions such as insomnia, headaches, high blood pressure, and more. Includes a sub-section called “Alternative Medicine Cabinet” that focuses on nutritional supplements for a particular condition.  Stories in this department range from 500 to 1,200 words.
INNER BALANCE. Our mind-body-spirit section explores practical ways to strengthen the body, clarify the mind, and open the heart. Through personal essays and inspirational stories, this section explores pursuits and practices that can help our readers stay in physical and emotional balance. Topics have included techniques to avoid injuring yourself during your yoga practice, how one reader lost weight with Pilates, living through a divorce, and managing stress. Stories in this department are approximately 1,200 words.
FEATURES. Features generally cover specific conditions (cancer, pain, anxiety, autism), investigative topics, action plans (10 steps to a healthy back, 9 ways to ease insomnia), and the natural lifestyle (stick to New Year’s resolutions, detox the right way, green your home). Features run between 1,200 and 2,000 words.





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