As a technically challenged blogger I’m always interested in tricks and tools that enhance my bloggery and make it look as if I know what I’m doing. So when Brian Clark launched Scribe SEO , a tool geared towards assisting SEO idiots (like me) in optimizing their blog posts, I decided to give it whirl. Between you and me, I sometimes wonder how my blog achieved this level of success because I’m not an SEO maven and wouldn’t know a high ranking keyword if it reached up and tweaked my nose. My only experience with keywords and SEO, besides what I research for this blog network, is writing dozens of keyword heavy articles for other people, a job that bored me to tears.To be even more honest, I have no clue about meta data and I can’t write headlines to save my life. Apparently, these are important. Who knew?
So I decided to invest in the Scribe plugin. At $27 per month, it’s reasonably priced and, if it helps me learn about this SEO stuff and helps people find our blog posts, that’s gravy in the boat. That it’s a plugin was a semi- issue for me. Technically challenged bloggers have no clue how to plug stuff in. Fortunately we’re very good at opening our wallets to pay our resident techie and she had it up and running in no time.
Immediately upon bringing up my dashboard I was met with a content optimizer:
Those little red warning lights are telling me I need meta information and tags for my post. If there was no content, the “content read” button would have a big fat red minus sign as well. I like the reminders. I’m a pretty good tagger, but always forget about the meta stuff. My post and run method of blogging comes back to haunt me.
What I like about Scribe is how it gives me a checklist so I know what needs to be done. For example, if I pause now and add the tags and meta description, and hit the “analyze” button, I’ll get a little laundry list of what I’m doing right and where I need work. Behold:
94% Hot diggity, I got an A!
As you can see, this post is good to go, but can use a few tweaks. For example, DOH!!! I forgot to add hyperlinks. Thank you, Scribe for having my back. One or two more links and I’m good to go. Scribe also says I need some help with my primary keywords. Scribe always has issues with my primary keywords. Scribe always wants them way at the top of the page and they don’t always work out that way. I hate to anger Scribe but I don’t like to get all obvious with the keywords either.
What I absolutely love about Scribe SEO is the keyword analysis tool. Check out this goody gumdrop:
As you can see, Scribe is telling me how I’m doing with my keywords. Notice” Scribe,” a primary keyword is right where it should be. On the other side of the coin, “Brian Clark” isn’t emphasized much at all. However, I hear tell he’s a little shy and probably likes it that way so we’re good. Scribe also shows me how my blog will look in the SERPs and offers suggestions for changing or adding keywords.
Scribe SEO: The Technically Challenged Recommendation
Do I like Scribe SEO and recommend it to other technically challenged SEO idiots? Abso-friggin-lutely. I’m totally digging this puppy if only because it prompts me to slow down and pay attention to what I’m doing. I’m also understanding how all this SEO/keyword stuff works a little better. Oh, and I can use it all by myself without having to contact technical support. A major plus. Mostly though it reminds me of everything I’m mising in my post.
Brian and his team have a winner here.
Now, keep in mind Scribe only works if you have the “All in One SEO” plugin, which I do and have had for a while, or if you use the Thesis, Hybrid or Headway Themes for WordPress. The All in One SEO plugin is free, however, so you have no excuse.
Full Disclosure: Copyblogger didn’t send me the love. No one asked me to do this review. No one paid me anything, no one gave me anything for free, I’m not selling anything and I have no affiliate links in this post. But I’m not bitter.
I just felt like passing on a cool new tool. Do with this what you will.
EDITED TO ADD: Back the truck up. It appears I have something to sell after all. Brian Clark dropped by to say hello and kindly gave me access to the Scribe SEO affiliate programs. So yeah, if you buy, I profit.
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