< First of all as noted before I've been moving, thus the lack of posts and job listings. I also missed the whole attack on Deb by this guy. From what I understand, Deb has a potential sponsorship with Demand Studios. The guy linked above, T.W. calls that irony, noting, “For months the owner of FWJ and her closest affiliates continued to call Demand Studios a “content mill”, and a “haven for low paying gigs”. Many writers from her side of the camp came on and verbally abused those of us writing for Demand Studios, claiming that we were “bastardizing” the industry by writing articles for 15 dollars a pop when we should be charging 50 or more per How To or About article.
Then, earlier this month, Demand Studios pops up as a sponsor of FWJ. Suddenly the owner, and her affiliates, are touting Demand Studios as one of the greatest content sites on the web, where writers can go make thousand of dollars.”
Then, maybe because he couldn’t find another post to link to, he showcased one of my posts as an example of said irony.
I’m not here to start some back and fourth debate, but what pisses me off about these shenanigans is that…
First of all, my post is not a good example of irony. I haven’t written one post here noting that writers can make thousands of dollars at Demand because that’s not part of my experience. I’ve also never said anyone who works for them sucks because I know some writers like them and do move up to higher paying assignments there (also not part of my personal experience).
I’m here because if you’re a writer or blogger trying to make a living, I support that, and want to help you do this. I’m here trying to help you actually make money, pay your rent, buy food, and so on. I blog about what I feel will help you do that to the best of your ability based on my own experiences and the experiences of writer friends of mine. Part of what it means to make a living as a writer means working for fair wages – which I post about all the time. If you can get living wages at a content site that’s fine, but that has not been part of my personal experience so I don’t blog about it. I make money writing in other venues and so I know personally that you have other options. Which options you choose are up to you. All I can do is offer ideas, you can take them or leave them.
Secondly, since I guess some people haven’t noticed, I’m not Deb. I support her search for sponsors because I know that’s what helps to keep FWJ going, and I believe this site is a valuable resource for writers. That said, we don’t share a brain. I don’t ask her what I can post about, and she doesn’t go in and edit my posts to make sure they appeal to sponsors or readers or her own viewpoints. When we started Blogging For A Living, it wasn’t here at FWJ, it was elsewhere as partners. We both agreed to move the blog here because we felt it would be more useful for readers when combined with other FWJ content.
T.W. notes, “Please note that while this post was not written by Deb personally, it was sponsored and featured as one of the premier Blog Tip posts.” He also says, “While Deb did not necessarily write this piece, it should be noted because it was a Premier piece of content written by a contributor as a Feature Article in the Blog Tips section of the website, therefore supported by Deb as “acceptable” content for the FWJ website.”
Um, ‘Deb did not necessarily’ nothing, she didn’t at all write that post. That would be me. AND as much as I adore Deb the second she starts telling me what’s ‘acceptable content’ or not, or says I MUST be totally on board with a sponsor, I’m outta here – mainly because while we do agree on a lot, we don’t agree on everything, and also I don’t work for her. She’s not a client – I work with her, not for her, and here at Blogging For A Living I write what I want.
In any case, I felt like responding because I was singled out based on one post I wrote here and it’s lame when someone pairs me with Deb’s brain as if I have no opinions of my own.
I’ll be back Monday with new jobs and posts (moving has taken much more time then I thought it would – sorry folks).
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