by Jodee Redmond
When Megatron posted the FWJ Mega Icebreaker, I noticed that there were some readers who shared that really wanted to write but that they were afraid to apply for jobs. I really felt for all of you, because I have a pretty good idea about what that’s like.
True Confession Time: I feel that way sometimes, too.
There. I said it. And since I’m among friends, I’ll share some more. When I’m feeling particularly insecure, I even imagine how a prospective client would respond when I send in my resume and samples. It goes something like this:
Prospective client opens up e-mail and starts to read. His/her eyes open wider in shock and amusement. Starts giggling and then breaks out into hysterical laughter at the idea that this person named Jodee would have the audacity to even think that she could do this job…..
Yep, that’s how bad it gets sometimes. So, how do I deal with those feelings? I apply anyway.
Here’s the thing: Even if that scenario did take place, unless someone is rude enough to e-mail me and tell me (which hasn’t happened yet), how will I ever know? I have no control over what someone else thinks about me and my work. I have to give it my best shot and let it go.
The good news is that enough people have liked what I do that I make a living from my writing and for that I am most appreciative. Does it mean that I feel confident 100 percent of the time? Nope. But I keep on plugging away anyway.
Even the best batters in baseball don’t hit every one out of the park and you won’t get hired for every job you apply for. But, once you start getting hired for gigs, you won’t remember all the ones you didn’t get. They don’t matter nearly as much as the ones that you do get hired for. And if you never apply for anything, you have zero chance of getting hired.
So, here’s my challenge for all you FWJ readers who are afraid to apply for something…the next time you see a job advertised that you even think you could do, apply for it. Just throw an application in there. Present yourself in the best way you can. Then do it again for the next one you are interested in.
Rinse and repeat.
Then be sure to let all of us know when you get hired so we can share in your triumph.
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