Should You Have a Separate Bank Account for Your Freelance Income?
Managing freelance income can feel like juggling too many things at once.…
Let’s Talk Freelance Finances and Debt
Freelancing and financial independence always go hand in hand because freelancers have…
Back to Basics – Financial Planning for Freelance Writers
Freelance writers need to plan their finances carefully to ensure that they…
Does Being Self-Employed Affect Your Credit?
There are many benefits to being self-employed as a freelancer. You can…
How to Handle Losing a Major Client
You’ve been writing for a client for a while, and suddenly, they…
Quick Ways to Earn Extra Money When You’re in Dire Straits
Most freelance writers cannot imagine themselves going back to a corporate setting…
How Freelance Writers Can Earn “Big Money”
“Big money” is obviously relative. For some freelance writers, this could mean…
How Do You Make Ends Meet on a Bad Month?
Being a freelancer has lots of perks, but just like anything else,…
The financial benefits of working at home – what you earn and save
Working from home has many financial benefits. It is also true that…