The popularity of social media in today’s job market has made everybody believe they can talk their way to a job. It gives them an excuse to visit their favorite social media site and say they are doing it as a part of their job search. While freelancers and job seekers can find jobs on social media sites, it needs to be handled carefully to be successful.
When looking for freelance writing gigs, it is important to let people know you are open to receiving new clients. One of the benefits of social media is the people you are associated with know others and those people know more people. You never know who you can reach within your network on a social media site just by telling people you are looking for a freelance position.
Putting Your Best Foot Forward
If you plan on using your social media site profiles as a part of obtaining a steady flow of freelance clients then they need to be professional. You should avoid a funny picture of yourself or the family dog. Instead, use a professional-looking photo and if you can have a picture taken in a studio that is even better.
Fill out the section on job experience and keep it updated. Also, make sure your wall is clear of the babble that often takes over on Facebook. With tweets, your posts need to be relevant to the market where you want to obtain freelance clients. This will show you are a subject matter expert in that field and will increase the confidence of potential clients.
And don’t forget to put your resume on different sites that you can access via Facebook and twitter. Federal resumes, freelance profiles and telecommuting CVs can often be uploaded to different companies via their social media sites.
Some organizations, such as Twitter jobs and Freelance jobs, have sites and social media pages where they post present potential positions. Become followers or fans of these pages to help keep up-to-date with potential freelance clients.
Adapting to New Technology
In order to obtain a steady flow of freelance clients, people need to adapt to new technology. Often the freelancers are ahead of potential clients in terms of technology. However, many people who are looking for freelancers have started to understand the potential social media sites have. They are more open to communicating with freelancers on social media sites.
As the adoption of new technology spreads through different markets, freelancers will have an easier time obtaining new positions and, hopefully, have a steady flow of freelance clients.
Michelle is an aspiring writer with a passion for blogging. She enjoys writing about a vast variety of topics and loves that blogging gives her the opportunity to publicly voice her thoughts and share advice with an unlimited audience.

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