The Law of Attraction (LOA) is a term that is being used a lot lately, it seems. The idea that our thoughts can manifest into whatever we desire most is an attractive one. When I first heard that “Thoughts become things,” I admit that I was skeptical. If it was that simple, I reasoned, why wasn’t I living the life I had always wanted?
Then I read a very simple explanation of how this energy works: Picture throwing a ball up into the air. It always comes back down to Earth – because it must. It doesn’t matter how talented an athlete you are or how much force you put behind the throw; it comes back anyway. You don’t have to be big enough, special enough, or good enough to have the ball come back down to Earth. You just have to throw it. Everything you project out will come back to you, and you have the power to decide to whether you want to attract positive or negative circumstances into your life.
How does this apply to freelance writing? Well, it has to do with continuing to send out applications and doing the best work you can. Eventually that effort will come back to you. It won’t work if you just sit at home and hope you can make it as a freelancer, though. You need to keep throwing the ball/making pitches to prospective clients.
At the same time, you need to think positively about your abilities and the fact that when you are hired, you will give each client your best effort. Those vibes will resonate out every time you apply for a job or talk to a potential client about what you can do for them. No hype, just substance, or in the words of a now-retired wrestler, “Don’t Sing it; Bring it.”
I must admit that when I first heard about LOA, I thought it was a bunch of hooey. Then I decided to shift my thoughts toward a more positive frame of mind. When I catch myself thinking negatively, I try to readjust my thinking in a better direction. I am not some kind of cheerleader type who is annoyingly cheerful, by the way. Just for the record, anywhere I happen to be is designated (by me) as a Non-Perky Zone.
So far, it seems to be working well. It’s far better to focus on the world of freelancing as being full of possibilities than a closed club that only the select few can make work for them. Keep throwing those (writing) pitches out there, guys. Eventually, they will come back to you. They have to.
Has anyone else tried incorporating the LOA into their lives/work? If so, have you noticed a difference?
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