Your Turn: Are You Busier as a Freelance Writer?

Sometimes I wonder if I’m busier as a freelance writer. Balancing several clients and maintaining this blog is only a small portion of what I do during day as I also have a family. With a 9 to 5 job, I left work, came home and that was it. Now the work is always here. Even if I have no client projects there are blog posts and pages for my books to write and other ideas to put  into action. Really, there’s nothing I would rather do. I don’t want to retire or cut down my workload, because I enjoy my job so much. However, I’m much busier as a freelance writer than when I worked an office job. Again, it’s not a complaint. This is my choice and I’m happy to be exactly where I am today.

Sometimes I think it’s not easy for someone who doesn’t blog or write to get that my job is always here, and there are always things to do. It’s also hard for some people to understand that though this is how I relax, it’s also what I enjoy doing the most. Other writers might look to get away from their laptops, I anticipate logging on each day. For me it will be a sad day when I don’t have any work. Not because there will be no money, but aside from spending time with my family, this is my favorite thing to do.

Do you find you’re busier as a freelance writer than if you worked at a different job?







12 responses
  1. Jim Lochner Avatar

    Most certainly I’m busier! I found so much truth in what you wrote in this post, Deb. For the past two months I’ve had no freelance work, but I haven’t panicked because I made basically 1/2 of my old yearly 9-to-5 salary in Jan/Feb. I also knew I had other projects lined up over the next couple of months. In between, I’ve been searching for other work, landed a monthly managing editor gig (that came looking for ME!), and been constantly writing on e-books, blog posts, etc. The work is always there. I swear I work twice as hard/much (or more!) as I did in my 9-to-5 job, and I don’t mind a bit. Time management is an issue sometimes, but I keep refining that until I figure it out for my style.

    Seldom does a day go by when I don’t work. Yup, I work on weekends too. Not only am I still building my brand and making sure I have money coming in, but it is my choice. If I don’t want to work a certain or decide to take part of it off, it’s fine. I don’t plan on keeping this up forever, but it works for me at the moment. And on those couple of occasions where I just couldn’t write another word, I took a couple of days off. But it’s always harder for me to ramp it back it up. So I’d rather just keep going day after day, even if it’s not always work-related. The writing never stops.

    And like you, Deb, I’m not complaining. I wouldn’t have it any other way. It’s taken me all of my adult life to find out what I love to do and the last year has been a blessing and launching pad. I couldn’t be happier with how things have turned out.
    .-= Jim Lochner´s last blog ..Contest: What Does Film Music Mean To You? =-.

    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      Rock on, Jim. I’m enjoying this kind of busy and wouldn’t have it any other way. I’m the type of person who takes my laptop on vacation, not because I have to, but because I enjoy writing and don’t want to give it up for two weeks.

  2. Stefanie Avatar

    I’m definitely busier, but that’s because I still have my day job! 40 hours a week plus freelancing on the side. Makes me tired just thinking about it. 🙂
    .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..The problem with sandbox storytelling =-.

    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      That makes me tired too! I freelanced while working full time for several years before I made the jump to full time freelancing. It can be tiring, for sure. I’m glad I did it because I was able to build up a client base for when I left my job.

  3. Daisy Peasblossom Avatar

    Definitely busier, but lots happier. I love getting up, going straight to my computer and going to work. Freelancing has replaced playing video games that cost me money instead of earning money. My cats like it, too. My lap is available, and I’m on hand to notice boo-boos and empty dishes. Right now, I still have a day job. I’m paying off debt with my writing and saving for a return to college. Eventually, I hope to write and teach from home exclusively.

    1. Stefanie Avatar

      @Daisy You could always do what I’m doing and write about video games! Then you’ll still get to play AND get paid. 😉
      .-= Stefanie´s last blog ..The problem with sandbox storytelling =-.

  4. Phil Avatar

    Definitely busier, because I do my own books, but my commute has gone from an hour each was to under 1 minute. However, the issue of not getting away can be a problem. One may want to limit work within a tight timeframe, but that also limits potential clients. Mine are on both coasts, with a couple in the Midwest, and small ones in other countries — all different time zones. I tend to have a ton of downtime in the middle of the day, but am busy early, late and on weekends.

    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      The global market can mean we’re working odder hours, but this hasn’t been my experience. I find that I can generally get things done between 7:30 AM and 5:00 p.m.

  5. Carson Brackney Avatar

    Busier. It’s intentional, though. I can’t complain. Like Daisy, I’m busier and happier.
    .-= Carson Brackney´s last blog ..Angela Hoy Goes After Anne Wayman Over Copyright? Steal These Memos! =-.

    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      Busier and happier can go hand in hand, Carson. Glad you came back to our world.

  6. Mokibobolink Avatar

    You hit the nail on the head. Yep, I am definitely busier and yep, I think a lot of my friends don’t get that. They work their 9-5 jobs and then thay’re done. I get up and walk from my bed to my laptop and start work the moment my eyes open everyday, seven days a week. So while many of my friends were sleeping in yesterday, I was working hard on a new article for my blog. Yes I was still in my jammies, but still, it was work.

    But like most have said above, I’m much busier but I’m also much happier than I ever was at a 9-5. :o)

  7. John Lister Avatar

    I’m less busy, but that’s through a conscious choice to work fewer hours and live on less money. I’m at the point now when I’m working just over half the hours for 85% of the pay (plus no commute), which is a very good balance for me.

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