10 Celebrities with Blogs Worth Reading

Several years ago, I wrote a post for a blog called Celebrity Cowboy called 66 Celebrities Who Blog. Today, I read again for the first time in years and realized it’s a little outdated. Plus it featured big names with blogs that weren’t updated or publicist-updated MySpace pages. I thought an update was in order, but one featuring recommendations of the celebrity-authored blogs truly worth reading.

What does any of this have to do with freelance writing and the Freelance Writing Jobs network? I promise, it’s sort of relevant. Many of us blog and many of us read blogs. As a writer, I enjoy learning new things and checking out different writing styles. Just because one is famous, doesn’t mean one can’t write. Lest you think celerity bloggers aren’t interesting, I’m here to prove otherwise. Some famous name bloggers are imaginative writers with interesting ideas and thought-provoking posts.

Edited 2/3/10 to add: I’ve been asked why I didn’t include women on this list. As that’s the first question I ask when I’m reading lists such as this, I’m happy to answer to respond. The reason is because I haven’t yet found a blog written by a female celebrity that I enjoy. I’m not a fan of Rosie O’Donnell and Roseanne Barr and the only one coming close is Alyssa Milano’s baseball blog, – but hers hasn’t been updated in months so I didn’t include it (and I’m not a baseball fan anyway).

10 Celebrity Blogs Worth Reading

Wil Wheaton

1. Wil Wheaton – Wil Wheaton is a celebrity who totally gets blogging and social media.  He’s not promoting his stuff, he’s talking about his life. His regularly updated blog takes us on a tour of what he likes to do, what he likes to read and his thoughts on current events. Wil’s blog is probably the only celebrity-penned blog I read on a dailyr basis.

mark cuban

2. Mark Cuban – Mark Cuban, the outspoken owner of the Dallas Mavericks,  is another big name who uses social media to his advantage. I was a Mark Cuban skeptic until I attended his closing keynote at the first-ever BlogWorld and New Media Expo. After describing the power of blogging and the benefits of Facebook, I changed my mind. I don’t like sports, but I enjoy good blogging. Cuban shares his opinion on, well, everything and I may not always agree with him, but I appreciate his point of view.

jorge garcia

3. Jorge Garcia – Ok. Guilty. I’m a HUGE “Lost fan”. Jorge Garcia’s “Dispatches from the Island” is an entertaining behind the scenes at the filming of lost, including candid photos, plus much more. Jorge shares the stuff he digs, and the stuff he does. This is blogging at its best.

Jeff Bridges

4. Jeff Bridges – Jeff Bridges John Lennon-esque blog is a regularly updated collection of doodles. Very cool stuff.

john mayer

5. John Mayer – I’m not sure how I feel about John Mayer the person, but I dig John Mayer the blog. It’s honest and thoughtful and even provides some fun stuff like images from baking contests and useful tips such as how to defrag your hard drive.

Kevin Smith

6. Kevin Smith – Silent Bob speaks! This is another of my favorites, Kevin Smith has a wonderful way of words and offers a glimpse into his schedule that goes beyond the usual, “Wow. Our gig in Austin totally rocked” celebrity blog fare.

David Byrne

7. David Byrne – Byrne’s journal gives us an intimate peek in to his private life while sharing his point of view on politics, world affairs and more.


8. Ace of Cakes – Duff, Mary Alice, and the Charm City crew take us on a behind the scenes look at the whole “Ace of Cakes” operation. Pictures of cakes, a peek into the cupboards and the daily goings on make this one of my favorite celebrity chef blogs. The Ace of Cakes blog is definitely a marketing vehicle as it features tour dates for Duff’s band and also air dates for the shows, but it’s more personal and updated more often than the usual promotional celebrity blogs. (Personally, I read it for the pictures.)


9. Thomas Dolby – Don’t expect to be blinded with science, Dolby talks about whatever is on his mind. It can be bras, snow, or the view from outer space. There’s even a call for dream interpretation. I admit, that though I have this blog bookmarked, I don’t read it as often as I should. Very enlightening and entertaining.

James gurney

10. James Gurney – Dinotopia creator James Gurney may not be a household name to some but his blog still deserves a place on this list. Wherever Gurney goes, there we are. He offers a fascinating look at life, art and doing what he loves best.

Do you have a favorite celebrity-authored blogs? Do tell in the comments…


7 responses
  1. Jodee Avatar

    Thank you for including Kevin Smith’s blog on your list. I am a huge fan and will be checking it out.
    .-= Jodee´s last blog ..Freelance Writing Isn’t Brain Surgery, But…. =-.

  2. Carson Brackney Avatar

    I really enjoy David Byrnes’ blog. It makes for good Sunday morning coffee-drinking-in-the-recliner-before-everyone-else-wakes-up reading.

  3. laura Avatar


    I don’t read any celebrity blogs regularly, but I noticed something significant about your list–no women! Are no women celebs doing any quality blogging?


    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      Laura, that’s a wonderful question. I thought about Rosie O’Donnel’s blog, but I really don’t enjoy it. One that comes close is Alyssa Milano’s baseball blog but it hasn’t been updated in months so I didn’t include it.

      I’m the first person who always wonder where the women are on all the lists, but to be honest, the men’s blogs impressed me more. If you or anyone else can suggest some quality celeb blogs penned by women, I’ll be more than happy to use them in an update.

  4. Danielle Avatar


    Roseanne Barr – she’s definitely quirky and she updates regularly. Not for everyone but if you enjoy her rather warped sense of humbor and very strong opinions you’ll like her.
    .-= Danielle´s last blog ..Organized Chaos – Is It Possible? =-.

  5. Naomi Hamm Avatar

    You may want to add the not-so-dead actor Heath Ledger. Yeah right you may say and I will allow that. But the google blogger has him, not me. You may find it intriguing the say the least, that a few months or less after Heath Ledger played out that faked death? Of his or what! I really don’t know for sure, but it has been a real thrilling ride, who knows maybe soon there will be more postsings.

    Whomever this guy is he is a unique writer!

  6. Gayle Ching Avatar

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