19 Grants for Writers and Other Creative Types

old typewriter
Many freelance writers are only working for clients to bring in money while they work on books, screenplays and other writing projects. This is all fine and dandy however, it tends to take away from the personal project as we tend to put all our focus on paying the bills and funding our dreams. There are also circumstances out of our control. Many writers don’t have healthcare or disability insurance. When tragedy strikes, some writers are unable to continue writing for a living. Fortunately, there are so many foundations offering funding for writers.

19 Grants for Writers and Other Creative Types

Many organizations offer grants for writers to help them to complete their projects and education. What follows is a list of some of the available grants for writers and some details about each.

Please keep in mind, these grants are unsearchable. I found this information via research conducted online and at the library. Unlike our series on the various markets, I didn’t make any calls to verify any of these grants. However, as you can see, they’re all current.

  1. The Haven Foundation – Stephen King’s foundation provides assistance to writers and artists who, through tragic events and no fault of their own, are unable to work. Awards up to $25,000.
  2. Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting – Set up by The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Scientists this fellowship awards to authors who have previously earned less than $5000 writing for film or television.
  3. Arch & Bruce Brown Foundation- Awards $1,000 grants to gay and lesbian playwrights and screenwriters.
  4. Authors League Fund – Provides loans or assistance to writers who are in financial distress due to emergency situations.
  5. Artist Trust – Their Grants for Arts pr gram awards up to $1500 to help fun artist generated projects.
  6. Brown University – Awards a $45,000 fellowship to an established international writer or poet who is being creatively stifled in his/her homeland.
  7. John Jones Literary Society – Awards $10,000 to help fund an unpublished writer who has a work in progress.
  8. Kentucky Arts Council – Awards $7500 fellowships and $1000 emerging artist awards to poets and writers in even numbered years.
  9. Library of Virginia Literary Awards – Awards three prizes of $3500 each to Virginia writers and poets who were published the year before.
  10. Robert Bingham Fellowship for Writers – Offers $35,000 to first-time authors who are deemed to have achieved an outstanding literary effort and “suggests great promise.”
  11. National Endowment of the Arts – Offers a variety of grants to writers.
  12. Academy of American Poets – Awards and fellowships ranging from $1,000 to $100,000
  13. The Furthermore Program – Grant to help fund non-fiction book projects  range from $5,000 to $15,000.
  14. Demand Studios – Offers one $1,000 grant each month to help fund writing projects within their community of writers.
  15. Pen American Center Writers Emergency Fund – Offers funding up to $2,000 for writers in need.
  16. Voelker Foundation – Fly Fishing Fiction Award – $2500 for one outstanding fishing writer each year.
  17. AAAS Science Journalism Awards – Pays $3,000 to outstanding science writers.
  18. Arts Writers Grants Program – Awards $5,000 to $50,000 for a variety of writing.
  19. Witter Byner Foundation for Poetry – Awards poets $1000 to $3000.

More resources:

  • You also might be interested in this post at About Freelance Writing where Anne Wayman linked to blogs that make it their mission to report awards, grants and fellowships for writers.
  • C. Hope Clark’s Funds for Writers is the best online resource for learning about grants, fellowships and other awards for writers.
  • Poets and Writers’ database is an amazing resource for anyone seeking funds.
  • Michigan State University has something for everyone on this list of prizes, grants and fellowships.

We’ve also been exploring some writing markets this week. Check out:

If you apply for any of these grants, have successfully applied for grants in the past, or just have some tips you’d like to offer to the writers in the FWJ community, feel free to talk to us in the comment.  Your feedback is more than welcome!

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20 responses
  1. allena Avatar

    yeah GO JOHN AT MSU. lol, he is one of the greatest curators of that info and I’ve met him personally several times 🙂

    Deb- does DS announce its grantees? I’m interested in seeing what they funded so far.
    .-= allena´s last blog ..Forum Updated! Freelance Writing Jobs Posted in There! =-.

  2. John Shriver Avatar
    John Shriver

    It would be nice to mention that the NDA does not award grants to individuals.

  3. John Shriver Avatar
    John Shriver

    It would be nice to mention that the NEA does not award grants to individuals.

    1. Deb Ng Avatar

      That’s right, John. The NEA offers grants for organizations. Still worthy of being on this list, however, as many writers for various organizations are members of the FWJ community.

      Thanks for your input!

  4. Richard Vittorioso Avatar

    This is a first for me. Trying to obtain a grant to have a book published. I’ve written a novel but have no funds to have it published. Does anyone have any information as to what direction I should pursue in an attempt to secure funding via a grant to accomplish my publishing goal?

    1. J. Michael Brower Avatar

      Hi, Richard! I’m in the market for grants right now–I have my second installment of _Brian Miller_ out right now; I have an ISBN number, and all that, by my wife won’t let me dip into the family funds for—-er,—-well, I just need money from “an outside source”…it’s called (simply) _Brian Miller Supplemental_ & it’s on Smashwords now (gulp!). Did you FIND anyone to help you with grants? Hey, that’s my time! VR, J. Michael Brower. jmichaelbrowerwriter@yahoo.com


    The 19 Grants web for writers do open to allow us access information.

  6. Trace McGarey Avatar
    Trace McGarey

    I’m looking for information on obtaining grant funds—publisher has expressed interest in my work and I need some information on this. Can anyone else out here direct me to grant sources or have information on them? Many thanks… (Made a revision to this comment so it posted to your site twice—my apologies.)

  7. Undra M. Warren Avatar

    Hello ,,, thank you for the time of day.. i am trying to get a grant writer too get my music off the ground…see youtube /Pepperpeppermint…is one word no space’s the song is entitled up up up…it’s a happy song and everyone love’s it.. maybe you guy’s can help…again Thank you for the time of day… Pepperpeppermint,,,

  8. Clara W E Githaiga Avatar

    Looking for PAID writing jobs & writing grants,
    so I can lock myself up and write uninterrupted.

  9. Kelly Dumler Avatar
    Kelly Dumler

    I would like to start a freelance writing business. I need funds for: a student loan, computer, fax machine, office furniture, and car repairs.

  10. Jen Reyneri Avatar

    I am so encouraged by this post- just figuring out where to apply first! Thank you!

  11. Shannettea Gamble Avatar
    Shannettea Gamble

    I’m looking to complete my six novels I’ve had to restart due to computers crashing and papers getting lost in moves with this I could attend college and write until my heart’s content without interruption.

  12. kate Avatar

    hey can anyone give me infor on where to fine grants for individuals to help in book printing and publishing. thanks in advance

  13. Ana Biocini Avatar
    Ana Biocini

    Freelance no professional Writer

    Subject: I Need a Grant to finish my book

    I have a very interesting story of an aspect of my life that was in the public eye and published in the local newspapers of the San Francisco Bay Area .

    I have also a great deal of supporting material already written, transcripts and newspapers articles and much more. I believe that I have a great material and could be very interesting to publishing in a book.

    I am looking for a sponsor to help me many ways.

    1. To get a Grant to paid my bills while I am continuing writing the book
    2. To get a ghostwriter to help me to edit the book in a professional way.

    This is a unique real story and one publisher have expressed interested in my story as well.
    I have already written seven charters that give a total of 60 pages. The other material is already written by me but it needs to be revised, in order to link the events of the outcome and the ending of the book and I think that I will need 4 months to finish the story. I think that my book would be a total of 250 pages.

    Please tell me how can you help me.

  14. melanie simms Avatar
    melanie simms

    Would someone share some ideas/suggestions as to where I can find grants for individual writers/poets?

  15. Tom Gotsill Avatar
    Tom Gotsill

    I am a playwright who is currently researching the life and ideas of an important 19th Century American public figure (sorry for the mystery). The goal is to write a compelling drama which will generate widespread public interest in a current “third raiI” issue. I need funding while the work is in progress. Any ideas? Thanks

  16. Perry Posey Avatar

    I have one book self published. Along with fourteen songs recorded on a c.d. “Buffalo Gal” An inspirational love novel, Now have five manuscripts ready, with songs for the books. “Country Boy” all true stories. “Young Angel” a Christian love novel. “Swimming with Sharks” thirty year behind the counter. “Short Stories” true stories. “One Talent” a Christian love novel. I need the address for the Grant Givers. I know that not only for books, but a stage show. t.v. series and a movie picture show. I need to hear from you. go to Google-Perry Posey Buffalo Gal.
    Respectfully Yours.
    Perry Posey

  17. James Jean-Pierre Avatar

    Thank you for the great post, That will due it for my list and get me going on my way to publish my book.

    Thanks again

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