Have you ever thought about ways you could expand your writing business? There are all sorts of little jobs you could do and services to offer clients that you probably didn’t think about.
Optimization, for one. That’s a great add-on service to add to your roster. Let clients know that you’re happy to rework older articles or blog posts and optimize them with current keywords. Clients can check their stats and analytics to know which keywords pull in good traffic right now. Give posts an extra boost by adding the keywords to old content.
How about sprucing up old articles or posts? There are always posts in any blog’s archives that could use a good reworking. These enhanced posts can bring good (but short or not very well written) content out of the past and into present day. One catch: Don’t just rewrite or edit – try to really make the post better and different so that it isn’t just an embellished copy.
Here’s something different: writing sales blurbs. Scour eBay and Etsy, and you’ll find tons of merchandise just begging for a better description. Many people who sell on these sites could use a writer’s helping hand. Product descriptions are fast and fun, too.
What about writing ebook outlines? Most people have great ideas for ebooks, but they really have a hard time putting those ideas into a concrete, workable outline that lets them just sit down and write the good stuff. In fact, that’s often the reason many great books never come to light – the would-be author couldn’t get a solid outline together.
Another service you can offer clients is to create a post list. Comb through their blog and use excel to write down the date of the post, its title, the URL and the main subject it covered. That’s a handy list to have when clients are looking for posts they could use for back linking in current posts.
Something many blog owners would like is to take their blog content and turn it into a book. They can cheap out and scrape posts into a big document, but that’s not the best way to make a book, as posts don’t transition well from one to the other. Offer to find the right posts, scrape the content, then add in proper transitions for a smooth flow.
What about you? Have you found a neat little side service you offer your customers? Can you think of other creative add-on services a writer could put to good use?
If you really want to get serious about add-on services, check out the Unlimited Freelancer. It’ll tell you exactly how to expand your writing business so you can earn a better living. Click here to learn more.
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