Free Exclusive Webinar: A Practical Guide to Increase Your Income By Self-Publishing

Versatility is one of the best things about being a freelance writer, and while the uncertainty in income may be a foremost concern, the massive earning potential is there. One of them being self-publishing.

Self-publishing is an excellent way to use what you already have and make more money out of it. This is especially true if you maintain your own blog. Let’s say you blog about being a freelance writer – you’ve got a winning topic right there!

Earn money without having to write a thing every single day. Make a name for yourself – be known as a person who wrote a book on [topic]. Attract more clients.

self-publishing benefits

That’s an enticing proposition, isn’t it?

All you need to do is to figure out how to put things together to publish a book (or, eventually, books) based on what you’ve been writing all these years.

Others have done it and have made good money from it. Who says you can’t do it, too?

The trick is in knowing the ins and outs of self-publishing. You can always go the trial and error way, of course, but that would be a waste of time (and money).

That’s why having a mentor or taking courses can be crucial to your success as a self-publisher – especially if you want to do this in the long run.

Today, we’re sharing an exclusive webinar that will teach you just that: how to be a successful self-publisher.

Self-Publishing for Bloggers: 5 Key Steps to Turn Your Content and Expertise Into a Monthly Income Stream” is a free live webinar taking place on Wednesday, July 6 1 PM EST/10 AM PST. It’s being offered by Authority Pub Academy, provider of the authority self-publishing course.

Self-publishing e-books and courses are all over the web, but Authority Pub Academy is the only one offering their own solid, concrete method to teach writers the intricacies of self-publishing. Developed by Steve Scott and Barrie Davenport, both experts in the field, the Authority Pub Academy course will equip you with all you need to self-publish – without all the confusing fluff.

The entire course has 6 modules, starting with the Authority Publishing Mindset and ending with Leveling Up Your Book Business. It’s got:

  • 90+ Video Lessons
  • 15 Step-by-Step-Tutorials
  • Private Community Support100% Risk-Free Guarantee

Join the Academy here.

The entire course costs $647 but you can get it for $547 if you purchase it via the webinar. You also have the option to pay in two installments at $374 each, $317 if you purchase via the webinar. Join the Academy by clicking the image below.


The webinar is FREE, and you are not obliged to purchase the course if you participate, but if you want to get your foot in the door of self-publishing, we highly recommend you register for the webinar (actually, even if you don’t want to right now, you really ought to give it a think).

Register for the webinar here.

What do you get out of it?

You’ll learn:

  • How to nail down profitable book topics based on your blog niche
  • The best ways to use your blog content to write multiple books
  • The secrets to writing multiple books a year, even if you’re super busy
  • How to ensure your books stand out from the crowd and fly off the shelf
  • The best way to turn your blog followers into raving book fans

In a nutshell, you’ll learn how to publish your own book – and get started on earning passive income.

Stop hustling every day like your life depended on it. Get on the road to financial freedom. Self-publish. Make sure you save your spot for the webinar before July 6! Click on the image below to register.



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