Travel blogging is something many bloggers and content creators hear about, but it’s often something that as many people will pursue or successfully accomplish. In truth, the concept of ‘travel blogging’ can have many different ideations and business models associated with it.
For example, some freelance travel bloggers might look at this phrase as simply writing content for different travel agencies, hotels, and brands. Others might consider this the art of traveling around the world and documenting your journeys, while also having a blog and figuring out a way to make some money in the process. Another concept might be to combine both of these ideas, then use the power of social media platforms like Instagram to reach new audiences and build a following of your own.
In either of these cases, freelance travel bloggers and content creators all still need the same thing — which is having a source of incoming revenue.
With this in mind, let’s take a look at three different ways freelancers can improve their travel writing and business, while also getting a little closer to their end goals as well.
1 – Know Where to Look for New Freelance Work Online
For freelance writers, the business of always having new clients and work come in is a tough one. Not only does this mean you are likely checking your inbox for new business and leads to come in, but also always looking for new resources and opportunities online as well.
Plugging in something like “freelance travel bloggers” into Google can definitely help with this process. One of the first things you will see in the search results is a section like the one below that is showcasing difference freelance/part-time/full-time jobs in your area.
The great thing about this, is that we can instantly see there is a demand for content creators that are well-experienced in travel. Most of these opportunities will be for other agencies and brands that already have travel clients, but are always in need of new writers and outreach opportunities.
And of course, you will also find opportunities for travel related content and blogging through the job board on this site as well.
If I was a freelancer, I would reach out to all of these opportunities and letting them know what I have to offer. Worst case scenario is that they simply don’t write back. Best case, you get some new work!
2 – Learn From Other Travel Bloggers and Brands
The travel industry is ridiculously huge. It’s last been reported that we will soon see travel and tourism make it’s way into the $10 trillion range within the next several years.
According to the WTTC, last year travel and tourism grew 3.9 percent, above global GDP growth of 3.2 percent and contributing a record $8.8 trillion and 319 million jobs to the world economy. The report also found that the travel and tourism industry generated 10.4 percent of all global economic activity last year.
With so much money pouring into this space, big brands not only know the importance of finding and booking new customers, but they also understand how competitive it can be online and why they need to put in that extra effort and value where others lack.
A perfect example of this can be seen in an article from Celebrity Cruises that focuses on people that want to see the north’s natural landscape with an Alaskan cruise. Now at the first, that might seem a bit specific and with a very narrow target audience, but the truth is… if you are going to search for that type of cruise or vacation online, you will likely come across their site as one of the top results.
This is because of the massive amount of time, work, and effort they put into their brand and content. As seen in the screenshot below, you will notice it’s not just an order form like other sites, but actually a full resource and mini-site loaded with content just on that individual focus.
So how does this help you as a freelance travel writer? In many different ways of course!
When you start to understand the different types of content that big name travel brands want to see and have represent their brands, it’s that much easier to meet their needs and secure much higher payouts in the process.
By studying the competition within the travel industry, it will also help you have a better understanding of the different target markets, hot travel spots around the world, and what brands are focusing on different promotions throughout the year.
The more knowledgable you are on these topics, the easier it will be for you to get hired when a big name brand is looking for a qualified writer.
Another great tip for this section is to consider your options with video blogging. Video content is now more engaging and in demand than ever before. As a travel blogger, you are likely already taking plenty of pictures to spruce up your content, so video content should just be as easy to create. If you’ve already left your destination and forgot to take video, there are plenty of options with stock videos of numerous locations throughout the world.
The more enjoyable and engaging the content you create, the better the end user experience will be. As a travel blogger, it’s your job to bring the destination to each user through your own experience.
3 – Follow the Expertise and Advice of Other Travel Bloggers
First we talked about where to find different opportunities for writing online, then we covered how to look at different travel brands how they create their content. Now it’s time to look at the third talking point, which is actually to live the life of a freelance travel blogger.
A perfect example of this can be seen with Ryan Biddulph, who not only travels the world and writes about, he’s also written thousands of articles across hundreds of different sites. Ryan also has his own blog at Blogging From Paradise, where he documents his travels, helps other people who would like to learn how to accomplish the same, and also lists his many ebooks and courses available through Amazon.
However, unlike many other Instagram influencers that love to post pictures of their exotic trips, fancy cars, and have paid placements and sponsors all over the place, Ryan is pretty much down to earth about the whole thing and often spends a few hours per week to do live videos on Facebook with his followers, and offering to write new guest posts for anyone interested.
This ultimately leads to more exposure and opportunities for Ryan, while also allowing him to perfect his art of traveling the world, blogging, and maintaining financial independence in the process.
If you’ve taken some time to visit any of the top blogging and marketing sites on the internet today, you very well might have come across some of this articles. At the same time, there are thousands of other travel bloggers out there to learn from as well.
The most important takeaway here, is that freelance travel blogging isn’t easy — but it’s definitely something you can accomplish if you are willing to put in the time, work, and effort.
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