Freelancing Stats and Trivia – Are You Part of the Numbers?

I have a confession to make: I have this thing for stats. I probably spend too much time going through Facebook Insights, Google Analytics, etc. just so I can see what’s going on in terms of views, traffic, shares, and whatnot. It’s not that I love math (I did have more than my share of that in uni, but I can’t say I delight in the subject), but there is something about statistics and numbers that captivates. Just don’t ask me to calculate percentages in my head!

Anyhow, Julie, an FWJ reader sent me this infographic, which is chockfull of stats about freelancing and freelancers. Put together by the guys of Graphic Design Degree Hub, the infographic is really all about the pros and cons of being a freelancer. At the end of the day, though, the pros and cons boil down to – you guessed it – stats.

So what do we have?

The data used for the infographic was gathered in the US, so unfortunately, those of us outside of the country are not part of the numbers. The data is still interesting, though.

A quick overview:

  • There are 42 million freelancers in America. Imagine the competition! (Of course, that’s not limited to writers.)
  • The average freelancer makes 45% more than the average/normal employee. The next time you’re feeling down about your earnings, think about this.
  • Freelancers have a great work-life balance. Now I am not too sure about this. FWJ folks, chime in and tell us your experience in this regard!
  • 90% of freelancers are happier than before they dove into the freelancing waters. I concur!

It’s not all fun and games, though, as there are complaints, the most “popular” of which are:

So take a look at the infographic below, and feel free to share your thoughts about the pros and cons and the numbers.

The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer
Source: The Pros and Cons of Being a Freelancer






One response
  1. Stephanie Faris Avatar

    I do echo the “feast or famine” sentiment. I find when I finish all of my jobs, I go in search of others…then end up with more work than I can handle. The cycle begins anew! But having quit my job to freelance full-time only a month ago, I too easily remember what it’s like to work at a “day job” every day. Working for self beats working for someone else every single day!

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