Thursday Bram wrote a wonderful ebook about something we’ve been discussing here for years. Freelance writers absolutely can make an excellent living earning passive income. That is, earning an income with your own stuff over time.
The ebook is called “The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Passive Income” and is chock filled with tips and ways to earn money from ebooks, courses, blogs, niche sites and more. The biggest benefit to earning a passive income is that you’re keeping everything your projects earn and eventually you can let go of client gigs.
Thursday’s ebook discusses how to find time to create passive income projects, the opportunities available, pricing and marketing each project and so much more. I especially like how in depth this e-book is. Thursday discusses all the not so pleasant details of passive income including how long projects will take to earn over time and how to launch your products for maximum results.
I have two regrets when it comes to “The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Passive Income.” The first is that it took me so long to review it for you. The second is that I didn’t write it myself.
This is the part that I announce that there are affiliate links in this post. Yes, they’re in here, and yes, I get a little something back if you buy Thursday’s book through this link, but don’t let that make your decision for you. The majority of my writing income comes from passive sources. Not having to deal with clients and client-imposed deadlines is a beautiful feeling. I wouldn’t recommend Thursday’s ebook to you if I didn’t think you couldn’t benefit as well. You’ll want to print it out, put it in a binder and place it with all your important reference material.
Click here to purchase “The Freelance Writers Guide to Passive Income”.
Thursday Bram has packaged all this important information in a manner that is easy to read and understand and motivating as all heck. I dare you to read “The Freelance Writer’s Guide to Passive Income” and not be inspired. Not one page out of the 80 is wasted making it well worth the $27.00 price tag.
Click here to purchase “The Freelance Writers Guide to Passive Income”.
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