GoDaddy A Good Place To Start A Website


Being a freelance writer entails a lot of responsibility and discipline. It is a given that our primary role is to produce written work that satisfies our clients, but there are so many other peripheral activities that can take up our time. One of these activities is starting and maintaining a website of your own. If you are a seasoned freelance writer, you probably already have one up and running. If you are new to the business, however, it is imperative that you establish your online presence as soon as possible. This is especially true if you are targeting the online job market!

If you are just starting out, it can be easy to become overwhelmed at the thought of having to start your own website. Where do you begin?

Do not despair! There are a lot of resources that can point you in the right direction of how to build a website. These guides are very detailed, so even the newest of new freelance writers aiming to make a splash online will be able to do things practically on their own.

Here’s a quick checklist of what you need to pay attention to when starting your own website.

  • Choose a domain name. The domain name is closely tied to the identity of your website, so choose wisely. Here are some good tips on how to choose a good domain name. Keep in mind that these are only tips, and at the end of the day, you do not have to follow each of them if you have a strong argument. It’s not a one-size-fits-all thing anyway.
  • Register your domain name. Sure you have your domain name, but you have to stake your claim by registering it. This can be done via a domain name registrar such as NameCheap. Alternatively, you can go to the next point – web hosting.
  • Choose the best web hosting company you can find. You will be faced with many choices when it comes to this. There are the established names in the business, one of which is GoDaddy. This particular web host offers domain name registration as well, so you do not have to deal with different entities.
    Whatever you do, or whatever you choose, make sure that you have done at least a little bit of research. Compare services, offerings, and prices before signing on the dotted line.
  • Set up your website! I suggest using the free tools that your web hosting provider offers. Even if you have no experience, in most cases, web host providers have intuitive interfaces which include instructions on how to build your website. This should be enough to start with. Later on, when you have more experience, you can tweak and redesign to your heart’s content.

Let’s go back to the point: GoDaddy as a springboard for starting your website. You will probably hear some people offering contradictory opinions. They may have value, sure, but the thing about GoDaddy is that it makes things really easy for beginners. And, even if you are not a beginner but you do not want to spend much time on building your website at the outset, GoDaddy is a perfect place to start.

As I mentioned above, GoDaddy offers domain name registration on top of their web hosting packages. This is a matter of convenience and ease, really. It also has a very easy-to-use interface which will make your website-building endeavor less of an overwhelming idea. Last, GoDaddy usually has some good deals going on. If you are looking at more than one website, for example, the chances are you will be able to get a discount.

At the end of the day, I think that the one-stop-shop nature of GoDaddy’s services is excellent for freelance writers who are just embarking on this particular journey. Why not give a go?

Image via Daniel*1977

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6 responses
  1. Sara Avatar

    Sure, GoDaddy is great as long as you don’t mind their misogynistic commercials, the fact they supported SOPA and PIPA only until there was so much backlash and they were losing so many customers that they had to backpedal with a weak apology, that they have appalling customer service, and that their founder killed an elephant in Zimbabwe. Plus they were recently sold to people with no experience running a webhosting business.

    Do your research, indeed.

  2. Fiona Avatar

    Glad to see some others complaining about GoDaddy. I would never recommend them. In addition to sexist ads, they support SOPA and their jerk of a CEO boasted of killing an elephant for fun last year. They will never see a dime from me.

  3. Aaron Poehler Avatar

    Is this a joke? GoDaddy is one of the worst-reviewed hosts in the business! They have such a bad web presence they actively post blatant link spam in an effort to counter their deservedly awful reputation for terrible customer service. Also, they supported SOPA!

    Did you do any research at all for this piece? Compare other available plans? Check up on GoDaddy AT ALL before recommending their services? Or was this a paid endorsement, or written to get free hosting perhaps?

    Nothing to be proud of in what you wrote here. You’ve done anyone who reads your words a disservice.

  4. Dendory Avatar

    Holy crap really? In 2012 you would write something like that? GoDaddy is the very WORSE place to buy domains or hosting.

    – They were the only high profile hosting provider to support SOPA until there was so much outcry they were forced to change their mind
    – There’s been many instances (just do a google search) where GoDaddy screwed businesses over by disabling domains without probably cause
    – Their customer service is awful, as shown in most reviews.

  5. john Avatar

    LOL Godaddy??? This is a joke, isnt it? I have the pleasure of trying to transfer domains FROM Godaddy now Ugh. They new user interface is designed to confuse you into buying their crap, and to make incapable of locating the correct areas for leaving them, or transfering domains!

  6. abovepop Avatar

    Great post!

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