How to Create Great Content for Products

fwgWhen it comes to freelance writing, you have to be able to write about anything and everything to really keep yourself afloat when you first get started. Creating content for B2B blogs, which typically means writing to entertain and educate, is probably the most in-demand skill; however creating content for companies that sell specific products isn’t far behind. This isn’t typically seen as the most popular type of writing for a writer, but it’s certainly a skill that can’t be found in just any writer.

There are many different options when it comes to this type of writing, so it’s important that when a company that sells a product approaches you and they ask you about “what to write,” you have an answer. After all, part of the job of a freelance writer is to offer content ideas—not just content.

Different Ways to Write Content about Products

Writing to educate and explain how the product works is great, but when you’re trying to publish content a few times per week you’re going to need to get creative. Consider a few of the many ways you can create content for products:

  • Different Product Uses. Sometimes products have uses that aren’t very obvious on the surface. Explain the basics of the product, but then go a step further (in either that same piece of content or a new article) and discuss other uses that aren’t as well known.
  • Tutorials. Always have some sort of guide or tutorial for the product. People are going to want to know how to use that product, and creating a step-by-step guide is a very easy way of making this happen. Be sure to not leave anything out! It can be hard to write a tutorial on something you already know how to use. Try writing something and then having a friend read it to make sure there aren’t any holes in your story.
  • Outside Content about Your Product. If you can get someone you know to write a review about your product or write any type of content about your product, then readers will see what others think about that company (it often means more coming from someone who doesn’t have as much to gain). You can also create a page where people review other products against the product from your company.
  • FAQ Page. You always want to have an FAQ page for this product. This is one of the easier things to write because you simply need to gather common questions and then write down the answers. This isn’t always the job of a freelance writer, but if you notice that a company that contacts you does not have an FAQ page, it’s definitely something you should mention and then write.

Remember that when writing about products you want to create trust with your audience. Sometimes writing about products can come off as too self-promotional (no surprise there). Readers know you want to sell something, so you need to make sure that you convey that your company is there for more than just their own interests. Really try to help consumers and you will begin to create that trust factor.

Do you have a lot of experience creating content for products? If so, what are some tactics that work for you, and what are some of your struggles? Let us know your story and your thoughts in the comments below.

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Amanda DiSilvestro gives small business and entrepreneurs SEO advice ranging from Google Analytics How-To’s to AdWords best practices. She works as a ghost writer and freelancer at and Coastal SEO Consulting, and works as the Marketing Manager for a Travel Company, Discover Corps, full-time. Visit her website to learn more!





3 responses
  1. Writing Avatar

    It is very difficult to write good content for different subjects. It is better to hire someone who will profissionalom in their field.

  2. Brin Avatar

    This all seems fine in general but sometimes I find some subjects so hard to write meaningful content for – primarily when there is a distinct lack of decent research material available (ie when I have to be *original* on a tough subject. Still I guess that’s why we get paid!

  3. usawriters Avatar

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